Ok so this is my second attempt at growing.
I just went out and bought a bunch of stuff...
ProMix BX for soil
fertilizer to start: 30-10-10
fertilizer for later: 6-12-12
I have 2x 150watt fixtures.
Q: I am worried because the lights are orange when on and I was reading up that when you first start the lights should be blue. I am wondering if it makes that much of a difference? Any cheap ideas for fixing the problem? Ive already spent a lot of money on this.
Ive got a bunch of clones comming in the next few days and need some advice.. how big should i make my grow room for 20 plants?
Any ideas on what I should do, use or anything. I could really use the help! I am also growing by soil not hydro.
I just went out and bought a bunch of stuff...
ProMix BX for soil
fertilizer to start: 30-10-10
fertilizer for later: 6-12-12
I have 2x 150watt fixtures.
Q: I am worried because the lights are orange when on and I was reading up that when you first start the lights should be blue. I am wondering if it makes that much of a difference? Any cheap ideas for fixing the problem? Ive already spent a lot of money on this.
Ive got a bunch of clones comming in the next few days and need some advice.. how big should i make my grow room for 20 plants?
Any ideas on what I should do, use or anything. I could really use the help! I am also growing by soil not hydro.