Second Grow - just one sour deisle


Active Member
This grow will be my second one its nothing super special its only one plant this time but its gonna be grown as big as it possibly can be, may end up using it as a mother plant, still deciding whether id want a different strain or not.

but anyways

using fox farm grow big for veg an tiger bloom for flower. still in the vegging proccess and shes at about 20 inches or so. im using a 250 watt MH light for vegging and a 250 watt hps for flowering.
temp stays between 75 and 83 depending on when the door is open or closed. average around 80 when closed 76 when open.
growing in 5 gal bucket start in a small pot then transplanted.
lemme know how ya think it looks!

cant wait to see them buds

with my next grow im hoping to get some dank seeds offline and grow 4 plants using same 250 watt lighting in a 4x5 room. probly using the same 5 gal buckets.
if i had a bigger place to grow i would grow more but i can work with only 4