Second grow, trying to do it right. This post got no love in 2 other forums.


This post received zero help in the newbie central and grow room design and setup, so I will try my luck here once again.

  • All right rollitup, I’m planning my first REAL grow. I did my first grow last summer but it was pretty half-assed in my opinion. I did it in a bathroom under a 400w hps with an uncooled hood, just a reflector and a standard hps bulb and ballast. There was not a carbon filter or inline fan, which I plan to use this time around. I was using 2 oscillating fans to cool the room and also had a thermometer that read humidity as well. I was using Fox Farms Ocean Forest and feeding it with the General Organics Go Box and following the schedule that came with it. However, I was not using a pH tester. I somehow managed to get mites and mold in the soil but was able to get rid of both with an organic pesticide and neem oil. This probably happened because I was doing it in a damn bathroom.

    Anyway, this time around I plan on using a 4x8 tent. I was thinking about this one right here -à OR this one .I know it’s a cheap tent, if anyone could point me in the direction of a better one for a good price that would be awesome. My main concern about my new grow is ventilation and lighting. Like I stated above I want to use a carbon filter along with ducts, cooled hoods and 2 inline fans. I either want to shoot for one 1000w, two 600w, or two 1000w, depending on if I actually get the tent I want, and how hot ya’ll think it will get in there. Another concern about the tent is that I might not be able to accommodate a 7 foot tent, however I can do 6 feet in height. I plan on doing 6 plants in smart pots (still don’t know which size pots I’m going to use yet.). I either plan on using Fox Farm nutes and following that schedule, however I have a friend that has used the Dutch Master line and the Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur line. I want something that will be easy to follow for a first time legitimate grow. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys!​



Well-Known Member
Maybe you're getting no love because your entire post is in bold, and feels like it all runs together. I'm sure it's well typed if I actually wanted to read through it but something about two lumped paragraphs completely in bold with no separation, outline, or summaries makes it hard to want to read. IE, people always ask for "any advice would be appreciated". Ask something specific and you'll get an answer. There's 100 things that someone could advise you to do, but without knowing what you know/what you're after no one wants to spend an hour typing up something that you already knew.