Second Grow!!!


First grow went alright considering i knew nothing about growing when i first started. Since then I've expanded my knowledge A LOT. We only yielded a half ounce of dried bud, but it was AMAZING smoke. Since we didn't know the origin we called it :leaf:"Miss Chievious":leaf: We moved and started a new crop. We began them at the end of July. Out of 4 sprouts, 3 made it. Of those 3, 2 grew strongly and the other was left outdoors with little attention. The other two plants were topped and brought outside every day because the fluorescent lights we are using suck...still... 5 2ft LOA stupid "grow" bulbs. Walmarts finest.. :clap: at night they were vegged under the flouros. One plant after topping had four main stems and the other split into two tall main stems and two rather small secondary shoots. After we moved again the two plants were positioned and left outdoors where they began flowering. The one that had split into two main stems turned out to be a male. Showed me his balls to prove it. :sad: The other that blessed me with four main stems turned out to be a female. :-P The female is now the plant I'm focused on, of course. Pics will follow. I've got her under the 5 fluoros, which are so low they aren't worth finding out the watts, somewhere around 17 a piece :( and for the flowering i have added a 55watt CFL I found at Walmart. (I know...HPS. I'm a broke nigga.) but for now im just gonna add more CFLs. It;s only one plant so what the hell. As for nutes....I've been using Superthrive in addition to a 15-10-15 Miracle Grow fert for veg. and I am going to start using a 15-30-15 Miracle Grow Bloom Booster and Superthrive for the flowering phase. Since it was grown mostly outdoors the stem is very thick and it has just outgrown the pot. I am about to transplant it to a 5 gal bucket and finish it out under some better light HOPEFULLY!!! until then let me know your opinion on her and everything. ALL CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM WELCOME! lol It'll go to good use....


