Second outdoor grow any advice appreciated!


Hi guys :-o

Its that time of year again! Last year put out a big mother quite late in the season in the ground and to be frank wasnt too pleased with the end result.
I dug a huge hole in the ground, chucked in some quality medium and some horse manure. I think i overwatered it (once every two days.... :clap:) . .

Anywho am at it again this year, except will be clones in pots, and at the start of the season instead of late into it.

Few querys id love to be answered by some of the gurus out there.

Background on the area im growing in, will be getting on average sunlight from 9am-3/4pm. im guessing around 4hours direct sunlight, that being mostly morning sun as im told plants react best to that.

Firstly, what size/sort of pots should i use? Ive had a few options suggested IE big sack with holes in the bottom, or 10-15gallon pot with trays.
Im leaning more towards the pots with a tray as the area is somewhat clay based.

I know the bigger the pot the bigger the yield, but what does this mean for howmany times i have to water it weekly? Whats an ideal amount of water/how do i know the plant itself is satisfied?

Also i know i shouldnt get hopes up, but what sort of yield should i expect per plant, lets say in a 10gallon pot?

Ive got quality soil, will on occasion use products to strengthen and make roots develop fast and well. Also will be implemting various techniques to keep bugs/pests and whatever else away.

Any tips or info would be greatly appreciated. Keeping in mind as big as 20-25gallon pots are still an option, however will probly lean more towards 10-20(max) just so if need be, itd be much easier to maneuver around. Please share any info you feel should be put across to a somewhat newbie like me :-P

Happy growing :leaf:
1.Firstly, what size/sort of pots should i use? Ive had a few options suggested IE big sack with holes in the bottom, or 10-15gallon pot with trays.
2. but what does this mean for howmany times i have to water it weekly?
4.Whats an ideal amount of water/how do i know the plant itself is satisfied?
5. what sort of yield should i expect per plant, lets say in a 10gallon pot?


1. use as large as you can handle. I use normal plastic 50 gal tubs cut in half and large plastic containers with organic composted soil and a few amendments added.. last year I grew tall ones and did not like the fact of not being able to look down at the collas to see pest issues..
2. water as needed based on soil and heat
4. again based on your location and temps too I watered daily here during summer (temps 100+ here) then down to about 1 watering every 3 days as it cooled off..
5. yield will be based on the strain and the nutes given and how well you care for her... you can get as little as an oz up to a lb. I have seen some folks here with HUGE plants in the same size as others grow skinny ones..
6. I skipped #3 for the heck of it.
sweet man thank you for the help much appreciated!

Another query i have, i have decided to use 10gallon sacks. i dont plan to fill them to the brim with soil, instead will roll the top of the sack down a bit, so will end up being about 8-9gallon. Will also have trays on the bottom of each to hold any "excess" water. Question is howmuch/how often should i water each plant? Will get to about 30degrees max, but will avg around 25-26degrees throughout the season.

Also how do i know that the plant has recieved enough water?

With that being said, how tall/wide should i expect them to grow?

Thanks guys :)
i have decided to use 10gallon sacks. i dont plan to fill them to the brim with soil, instead will roll the top of the sack down a bit, so will end up being about 8-9gallon.

2.Will also have trays on the bottom of each to hold any "excess" water. Question is howmuch/how often should i water each plant? Will get to about 30degrees max, but will avg around 25-26degrees throughout the season.

3. Also how do i know that the plant has recieved enough water?

4. With that being said, how tall/wide should i expect them to grow?

1. WHY? why not use the entire container?

2. If your growing outside. why bother with the trays? This MAY lead to mildew mold etc if the water sits against the air pot sack your using.

3. Honestly how I do it is the same way I did as a kid.. make a fist.. stick out your pointer finger.. insert into dirt about an inch and half look at the finger if it's dirty with wet soil = no water (you can purchase those plant watering steaks that will tell ya when it's low too)

4. realistically it's how you trim her and if you top her.. you can grow her pretty wide with repeated cropping check out the scrog or sog grows on her too.
but to answer a gardening ? with the real answer is.. it should be able to grow twice as wide as the container and twice as tall.. in theory.
I dont quite get it. insert finger into dirt about 1 1/2 inch, if its dirty with WET soil = no water?? how does that work if you pull your finger out and its got dirty wet soil all over it? wouldnt that mean it doesnt need watering just yet as its still wet at the top (prettymuch top)
yeah try it and you will see.. what the difference looks like use a planter that needs water vs one that does not.

I think you are over thinking watering and drainage.. relax it's just a plant would you stress this much over a tomato?

planters drain top to bottom and dry from the out in.. if the outside 2 inches is dry she needs some water.. (based on my climate)