Second White Whidow Harvest


This is only my second harvest and i'm still doing alot of reading on different methods.I read in last issue of high times about "Shock Ripening", wanted to get some feedback on the subject.Also was wondering what is exactly happening to the plant when you do this.


fucking gorgeous bro!? if you have any hybrids of this message me id love to get some genetics. i currently have nothing worth while.


Well-Known Member
Impressive grow!! Those look VERY nice!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Shock ripening"????? I haven't heard of this before. I'll have to keep an eye on this thread to see if anyone can explain what this is.


Active Member
I have heard of it a few times now. I have never heard of it being a large confirmed difference though.

It is a little different wherever you hear it but the general concept is giving it cold water for 2-4 days before harvest and keeping the plant in pure darkness. Its supposed to stimulate the plant into thinking something bad is happening and give it a little finishing boost at the end. Most people say there is a little resin production difference but that's about it.
as far as shock ripening, read this I saw a little bit ago. Check out alones postOriginally Posted by alone of harvesting your buds to improve potency and taste.1- 2 weeks before harvest flush with pure ph balanced water.2- 3 days before harvest,water with cold cold water to shock roots.3- leave plants in total darkness for the three days.4- on the second day of darkness flush plants one more time with cold water ( IN THE DARK! NO LIGHT! NONE!)5- on the third day at night wounds increase trichomes?
i think the theory is that you are sweating cannabinoids out of the plant or something. Also, I really don't believe anything written in high times, it's all ads, product reviews that writers are paid (rewarded with free stuff, buds, etcc) I like Skunk magazine because it has useful articals and doesn't do phony stuff.