Security Systems for the House

Has anyone ever used a security system for their grow house? I havent moved to CO yet but I know all the grows have to be registered and from what I hear, visits from the police to just check up and make things are legal arent uncommon these days. Any thoughts on whether having ADT secure my house is a good/bad idea?


Never seen any law that states personal grows must be registered.
I knew a guy who got robbed once, no grow but plenty of product. He was able to get ADT (pretty sure it was them at least) and have it set up that they never call the police, just him. If you could find a way to do this it would be worth it, but calling the cops on false alarms is probably bad.
Just my .02 though


Well-Known Member
patient and caregiver registry of their grows is coming in the next round of rules. these include the need to have the grow inspected to make sure it meets local/state building and safety codes (sooo .... you installed an extra 200amp panel and never had it permitted or inspected eh ....... you see where this is going right?) + eventually it is supposed to create a database for law enforcement to quickly determine who is and is not legit if they find one.

ADT does security for a number of large warehouse grows, so they are familiar with the CO MMJ program and seem to be playing along well. if you can set up your own system, Radio Shack has all the parts you need to create your own system with callback/text alerts - add to that a multi-camera system that you can access from anywhere and you should be good to go. :)
^^^^^ schematics?
I'd like to build this.
I know a guy who can get you an ADT system for free man. You pay like 33.99 a month and they will call you first. I dunno what good the camera is gonna do you unless you plan on getting an assault with a deadly weapon charge.


I know a guy who can get you an ADT system for free man. You pay like 33.99 a month and they will call you first. I dunno what good the camera is gonna do you unless you plan on getting an assault with a deadly weapon charge.
Possibly be able to identify who it was that broke in, took or didn't take things and got away before adt even called you. Cameras are a good idea regardless, if no one else knows its there, it is pretty hard to use against you, but if it helps your case, then you do have it.

Also, he needs cameras because MMED requires him to, and i wouldn't imagine we are too far behind as patients and caregivers.


Well-Known Member
hey there here in colorado you have to register your grow if your a caregiver
but if you have your red card you can grow for yourself 3 veg and 3 flower
hope this helps and some places require you to register with the city such
as wheatridge co


Active Member
patient and caregiver registry of their grows is coming in the next round of rules. these include the need to have the grow inspected to make sure it meets local/state building and safety codes (sooo .... you installed an extra 200amp panel and never had it permitted or inspected eh ....... you see where this is going right?) + eventually it is supposed to create a database for law enforcement to quickly determine who is and is not legit if they find one.
I thought caregivers already had to register their grows as of last summer.

Regarding patients registering their grows, I thought they were already collecting that info in a roundabout way with the new choices on the application form. Last time I renewed, I checked the box that says I grow my own. Maybe they now plan to give that info to local cops who have nothing better to do than to make sure we're adhering to all of the local ordinances . I will never let a local cop see my fully legal grow without a warrant. If the MMED wants to come and see it, fine with me. But I'm not going to let the local cops, who aren't MMJ friendly, harrass me and make me feel like a criminal for exercising my constitutional right to grow cannabis.


Well-Known Member

People who DON'T use alarms systems with remote monitoring/alerting are just downright crazy. My whole house has been wired and monitored for years. I get instant video feeds right to my phone that show me in real time what's going on. I have a very short response time to get to my house (as in under 4 minutes) and nobody shows up without me knowing who, when, or where. By the time I show up, my neighbor is already locked and loaded and has the drop on them for my backup. :fire:

Systems are very affordable these days, and I can give you links where I get most of my gear. P.S.- It never pays to go cheap, do it right, do it once and never regret it. (good for turnkey systems and components) (another like Supercircuits) (wholesaler prices are a bit high sometimes though)


Well-Known Member
patient and caregiver registry of their grows is coming in the next round of rules.
I guess patients already register their grows when they fill out the red card paperwork today. I have not heard of inspections coming for patient grows. Do you have any idea how long till those regs will be implemented?

Seems like every day I hear another reason to drop off the registry. I'd much rather take my chances with Boulder PD than the MMED. I'm pretty sure BPD is more pot friendly (medical or otherwise) than MMED.


Well-Known Member
no clue how long, seems like June/July is their favorite time of the year. but seriously, do you realize how much resources would be involved to inspect patient grows? they can barely inspect the warehouses, let alone a few patients. so i'd keep doing what you are doing and don't worry much about the other. part of the point of the registry is that if they come knocking on your door, they can determine that you are legit. this is the biggest issue with law enforcement in this state, they are very afraid of lawsuits if they come in and pull a garden, so they leave it alone most of the time.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... I might have thought that way a few years ago, but with the new MMED (Med Marijuana Enforcement Division) I bet they step it up. Guess where they siphon money from? The CO Patient MMJ program, of course! This way they are 'self-funded' and can hire as many goons as they need. I remember reading about one of thier 'officers' getting busted with a DUI about 2-3 months ago. Fine upstanding individuals that they are, they are still prone to fucks ups and I bet the crime contigent will filter in there before we know it.