i think it was like 82 grams dry (i harvested in stages.82 grams with like 9 or ten grams of some good blonde hash if i remember correctly was last harvest weight. i didnt know what else to do. it was the first time i ever got mites. look at some of the pictures close and you can see those nasty fucks, and it was turning amber all over but in the middle it was clear as Crystal.) and it was under a 600 hps and was side lite with a 8 bulb t5 for part of growth. the bulb was three seasons old
and burnt out soon after. bought it from my fasha and kinda got screwed it was my first time growing indoor and i did a lot of things wrong...it was back in 07 so it was damn near 4 years ago and was my first attempt at an indoor grow. my fasha was moving and i did outdoor and he always had better shit then me so i tried indoor and didnt get things dialed in for about 8 monthes down the line. just built a shed and started then then got a nice mini warehouse built up and got things rollin (p.s. this was all done under and within the guidelines of ommp and i would post pictures of the placard that sits at every grow sight by law, but i found all these pictures and thought it would make me cool to post them up and act like they were mine
/and it has my name and address and my patients...so not happinin
some of the pictures are more recent i think i have a picture of a cookie and one of some slh mid season. i found all these pictures in a camera i bought off ebay and have no idea how they appeared on the internet...fo sho....got me...????>....>>>>....>>>