Seed Bombs ... how to make them for 4/20


New Member
Okay, I found this on a gardening site and immediately thought this would seriously help out guerrilla growers and especially all of you TRUE 420 warriors. 4/20 is the time for all stoners to gather their extra seeds and throw them out along the highways of the USA. This confounds the cops and keeps them busy and away from US! It may also provide some good quality weed to some lucky hitchhiker! :lol:

read on...they are easy to make.

How to Make a Seed Bomb

Do you hate those blank vacant lots on the side of road and city streets? Have you wanted to put a flower garden in one of those lots but have been afraid of being arrested? Do you not have the money to buy all those flower transplants? Is the lot just to hard to get into? And think of how many times you have seen a bare plot with nothing in it or a neglected flower bed that you just wished you could plant on? Well the seed bomb is just right for you. The seed bomb is cheap compared to buying transplants, is natural and organic, easy to make, pocket sized, and you can easily cover a large area with seed bombs in a very short time. The seed bomb is also a great weapon in the guerrilla gardeners arsenal when the guerrilla gardener needs to quickly get the job done.

step 1Materials
All materials in this instructable are cheap, easy to find, and are natural and organic. Crayola air dry clay (can use dried red clay), and is found in walmart for about $5.00 Water Tough Flower seeds such as baby's breath, sunflower, and forget me not. compost or worm castings yogurt container top or any large flat surface Clay from a dried riverbed (Red or Brown) …

step 2Cutting
Cut a very thin piece of the clay Tip: (The thinner you make it the easier you can press it down and shape it into a ball)

step 3Cutting (Continued)
Press down on a large flat surface (making it not paper thin but not as thick as a book) Cut to about 2 and a half inches wide and 2 inches high

step 4Adding the compost
Sprinkle the finest compost onto the clay and the more compost you put on the better the chance the seeds will germinate)

step 5Adding Seeds
Add about 2 seeds to the mixture (depending on the quality you think the seeds are)

step 6Adding the Water
BE CAREFUL ON HOW MUCH WATER YOU ADD! Add just a few drops or it will become a sloppy mess that's almost impossible to take off ! The water will also help the compost stay inside the seed bomb

step 7Making Into a Seed Bomb
THIS IS GOING TO BE DIRTY! Scrape off with your fingers the clay and roll into a ball and make sure you don't let the seeds go out of the seed bomb!

step 8Adding More Compost
To have a better chance of your plant in your seed bomb of growing put your seed bomb into a pot of compost and rub the compost in and take it out and rub it in again. You can keep repeating this process till about the 5th rubbing then you have most likely covered the seed bomb with the compost.

step 9Your Finished
Now just let your seed bomb air dry and your finished. You can fit about 9 seed bombs or more in one pocket (estimated from size 12 boys blue jeans) and if you multiply that by how many pockets you have in your pants, jacket, and even hat plus the number of people you bring with you then you have a lot of area you can cover with your seed bombs! Now throw your seed bomb…



Well-Known Member
haha ive thrown handfuls of seeds out the window of a car and driven by again to see a small field of pot plants to my surprise. there never well hidden so they dont last very long. but hey i think its a funny idea if my town was rampant with wild pot plants


Well-Known Member
haha ive thrown handfuls of seeds out the window of a car and driven by again to see a small field of pot plants to my surprise. there never well hidden so they dont last very long. but hey i think its a funny idea if my town was rampant with wild pot plants
This is what I want to do with my hermie seeds..

I will throw them all in a cup of water till most of them pop and then sprikle them when I go for a walk.. probably going to make the evening news...

nothing like city garden filled with pot plants.. and hopefully they hermie and make more seeds... if they last..


Well-Known Member

why not just fly over some fields and drop all those crop-duster style



Well-Known Member
i'm still waiting for the perfect place, day.

but when i do find the spot, i'm gonna go wild:fire:


I just got a woody from seeing all those seeds...Too bad I never get street meds anymore, rarely find seeds in the dispo long ya been saving those bad boys? I cant help but imagine some awesome genetics in that collection.



New Member
Make sure when you toss them they get past the swale. That way the typical road crew won't cut them automatically.

That's where these seed bombs will come in handy. i'll bet they can be thrown 2 or 3 times as far.

Maybe get a compressed air tank and a hose and see how far you can shoot one! :lol:


Well-Known Member

I just got a woody from seeing all those seeds...Too bad I never get street meds anymore, rarely find seeds in the dispo long ya been saving those bad boys? I cant help but imagine some awesome genetics in that collection.

Thats one Mason Jar of twelve, strategically placed seed banks I have stashed away in different locations. The tin is a rare strain for my own pleasure. 48 more of those tucked away,,,,,,, just in case

Been thinking about this plant and playing with her for over 40 years. Got me some genes in dem jars, yesirree,,,,,,

so anyhow, i'm quite baked this mornin',,,,,,,,,,,
hows bout you?

the perfect place,,,,,,
the perfect time,,,,,,

then BAM!

outdoor, indoor it don't matter no mo, I'mma gonna grow me somadat gooood ganj,,,,,,,



Well-Known Member
Thats one Mason Jar of twelve, strategically placed seed banks I have stashed away in different locations. The tin is a rare strain for my own pleasure. 48 more of those tucked away,,,,,,, just in case

Been thinking about this plant and playing with her for over 40 years. Got me some genes in dem jars, yesirree,,,,,,

so anyhow, i'm quite baked this mornin',,,,,,,,,,,
hows bout you?

the perfect place,,,,,,
the perfect time,,,,,,

then BAM!

outdoor, indoor it don't matter no mo, I'mma gonna grow me somadat gooood ganj,,,,,,,
lmao, dayum, trees! Nice pics!

I am also nicely medicated this AM. Ya made me think of all the seeds I have tossed away, damn my youthful ignorance!

But back to the topic...

I have been playing with the idea of planting clones all over, night time ninja style. Maybe once the daylight hours are right.


New Member
Next time I'm in town I'll pick up some clay and make some of these. I'll post some pics, but I think they will look the little turds.


it would be cool to take that jar cook it at 15 psi for 90 min in pressure cooker and add a few cc's of shrooms spores in that to see if it would money is on yes


New Member
You know what my problem is with weed seed? I love to eat them!! :lol: Just love to take twenty or so and chew them up.... I'm my own worst enemy! :lol:


Active Member
I'm going to pollinate some autflowering females and then throw throw the seeds in some grass that never gets cut and it's in between two roads, so no one will get them. Also, it's autoflowering so the light schedule wont' be a factor. Pic related, it's where i'm going to throw them

