seed delivery


I just recived a letter in the mail grom the PO saying I missed my delivery from single seed centre and to come pick it up its been 2 months scence I ordered I heard not to sighn for it cause if leagle reasons but otheres say its ok does any one know from experience that im supposed to sign for it or is it a set up?

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
I just recived a letter in the mail grom the PO saying I missed my delivery from single seed centre and to come pick it up its been 2 months scence I ordered I heard not to sighn for it cause if leagle reasons but otheres say its ok does any one know from experience that im supposed to sign for it or is it a set up?
I've received orders from TSSC - they were not signed for. I wouldn't make an order that required my receiver to sign for, and would never have an order sent to my own location.

If you are in a non-legal state, and especially if you have living plants in or on your property, I wouldn't go near those beans. It's probable that everything is cool, but is it worth taking the chance? Protecting yourself should be job #1.

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Well-Known Member
Man, go get your package. Sometimes the postoffice will mess up because it is from overseas automatically assume you are supposed to sign for it. You don't know what is inside the package. It isnt a set-up. I have had to go to the postoffice and get my package that I missed before and it was no big deal.


I just recived a letter in the mail grom the PO saying I missed my delivery from single seed centre and to come pick it up its been 2 months scence I ordered I heard not to sighn for it cause if leagle reasons but otheres say its ok does any one know from experience that im supposed to sign for it or is it a set up?
Dont take the risk fella , best thing to do in my opinion


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing and also with ssc. I am in cali so I figured why not. I still got scared when I went into the po but no setup.

Imo you are fine. They do not have a cop waiting to take you down. If in a illegal state you may be marked as having seeds, but even that is doubtful.
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professor KIND

Well-Known Member
walk in, have a nice thing to say like : ow was busy working, forgot my mail, yaada yaada.
confident, smooth, own it.
its your package.

not green tape or customs.
its waiting for you like ET in that basket.

steven spielburgh that shit.
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We Can Make Sandwiches

Well-Known Member
I have a P.O box and it always says out for delivery. then says undelivered. However its always there in my mailbox. I think its just an automated message and maybe it depends where you live? Ive never ordered from TSSC, do they offer tracking? loll where are you seeing it show up as undelivered? What site? Or have you received a notice in the mail.