Seed Explosion


So, the plants I am growing now came from some seeds from a friend's dro, but also from something strange that happened! I bought some really high grade stuff, only an 8th, and I was grinding some in my grinder over a piece of paper, and out of the whole 8th, just this one tiny nug went through and 8 seeds (healthy and not cracked, striped a little) fell out. Like a little explosion of seeds from a really tightly packed nug...

Now the plants from the high grade stuff I had are growing really well, super thick main stems, with lots of nodes, and large, but bushy fan leaves! Also, so far all that came from those are female that I can tell, so I was wondering if it is possible that these seeds are female because they came from super dank stuff...

My dealer, when I told him about it, said that of the whole batch he had bought he didn't find any seeds, so I must have found the only ones from it!

What do you think? Has this happened to you? :joint:


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie This sounds a bit too good to be true. And all females? OK. Snap some pics and let's see what you're hiding. :confused:


New Member
They would all be female if the plant the bud came from hermied and pollinated itself. Or another female plant hermied and pollinated it.

Also, it is a slim chance, but it is possible they were normal seeds created from a male and female plant and you just got really lucky getting all females. I could see the grower doing a controlled pollination of one of the plants (to get his own seeds), and a tiny amount of pollen got out and got on that one bud.

That would also explain why only the one bud was seeded.