Seed or clone for outdoor grow in Maryland?


Im considering whether or not to make the investment in a few dozen good seeds, or take clones from my super silver haze plants to use for a outdoor woods grow this Spring. I can germinate and sex the plants in my greenhouse, then transplant outdoors, or I can root clones in my greenhouse and plant those outdoors. With seed, I can be more diverse and have more plants (cloning the vegging growth for more plants), but will cost more and take more time. Using clones, im assured the plants' sex and vigor, but ill be stuck with 10-15 SSH plants. I dont have room in my greenhouse to start both. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I've stopped cloning, and only use seeds.
The advantage of having a clone for out door is that the clone keeps the age of the plant. 4 month old plant. The clone from that plant is 4 months old also. Meaning you could make that clone go into flower in July (with the proper enclosure to block enough light) and harvest end of August or September.
The clone could be a shorter plant that's harder to spot from the air or ground. You harvest when every one else's plants are going into flower.


Well-Known Member
it kinda depends what your growing for if its personal i would say.... do the seeds maybe youll get some new cool pheno haha that plus seeds usually yield heavier than clones but if you want to sell them and just have uniformity clones all day buddy.