Seed question


Active Member
Found the biggest seed i have ever seen today and was wondering if monster seeds mean good genetics??couldn't find much on the subject of seed size on the net. I've never seen a seed this size in schwag..20140707_113759.jpg


Well-Known Member
I think your odds of germinating are better with bigger seeds because you know they are fully developed. But I've grown some wonderful plants from little runt seeds so not sure if it means a whole lot.


Well-Known Member
I have seen a buddy plant some monster seeds and at the end of the season he had 13 foot plants.... I mean dude ladders to get to the top... I have never seen anything so cool before.


Well-Known Member
You know its true.... bigger is better just ask any ex......!
my experience with purchased seeds regular photoperiod has been they've been on the small side .......but I've bought some autos that were its the old 6 of one half dozen of another.......I don't really think it matters!
That's just my opinion !!!


Well-Known Member
Just based on one cross, but I noticed large calyxes lead to large seeds but those large seeds don't necessarily produce large calyxes.


Active Member
Well it was the ONLY seed from 2 zips of some pretty damn good regular...thought it was odd for being so large and being the only seed from an all big budded bag (ha say that 3x fast)