Seed up or down?


Interested to hear others point of views on this one. I typically germinate on a heat mat in soil after letting the seeds soak for about 12 or so hours. After this, I throw my homemade dome on it to collect humidity.

My question; do you guys plant seeds pointy end UP or DOWN? I've been told UP in the past but recently ran into an issue with the root growing up which was bizarre..
The root starts at the bottom of the seed, and as it keeps growing down the seed will start to come up, now idk if you've ever seen a seedling, but it's almost as if it's folded in half inside the seed, and as the root grows from the bottom, the seed will start to move up and unfold revealing your sprout! Hope that made sense I tried my best lolbongsmilie
i like to germinate in a paper towel for this reason, I know a lot of people don't like this method but I like to see results fast, no patients to plant straight into soil
In soil is irrelevant, pointy end down in plugs and if you really want to get technical on its side with seed seams facing horizontal will allow the best ejection from its shell.

I place seeds in a cup of water for 24hours then plant to whatever medium im using. Presoaking speeds up germination by a day or two in soil, highly recomend it...