Seeded by a hermie.


Well-Known Member
One of my proteges grew Afghani Mango and Silver Pearl in the same room, and had a hermie mango pollinate another mango.

I have some of the seeds, and was wondering, I know they aren't stable, and are they growable? Or will their be genetic deficiencies.

But parents were cloned from the same mother.

It's my understanding, that these are feminized seeds, but need to be back crossed. What should I expect from them if I flower? Without backcrossing?

I wanted to cross it with super skunk, but don't know if I need to backcross first...

New to breeding :D

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
If you're a serious grower then the answer is no.. The risk just isn't worth it.. But if you just wanna take a stab at it then knock yourself out.. It will give you good experience.. There is a chance that flukes happened and the seeds are actually pretty stable, but not bloody likely seeing as there was a mystery hermie involved.. Its easy-to-herm trait will likely carry over quite pronounced..
But hey, if you don't got anything to lose, or anything better to do, and keep an eye on pollen sacs then you could get some decently low seed bud, and experience spotting hermies..
If you have friends with serious grows though, pollen from your plants could put their crop at risk!!

Edit: Sorry, somehow I missed the breeding question.. Responsibly you should back cross it many times.. It would be easier to recreate the genetics with new seeds, and then keep back crossing phenos of that for overall stability rather than waste back crossing generations selecting the most stress resistant plants..


Well-Known Member
That's kinda what I thought, I figured the seeds would be more likely to hermie... If I want to breed, I'm gonna start with seeds from a reliable source... Thought I might be able to cross those mango seeds...

Oh well, thanks...

I guess I'm gonna pop some seeds I got from Jamaica while visiting Nine Mile, Bob Marley's house/tomb. I bought a sack from the locals there and savesd the seeds, pretty decent weed, I could tell strenghts in the genes.


Well-Known Member
I know they aren't stable, and are they growable? Or will their be genetic deficiencies.

Yes they are growable! and if that hermie was female at first then there is good changes to get only 99.9% female seeds but if that hermie was in genetic then it's 50/50 but hermie seeds produce never ever male plants only female and hermie plants !!

if you have like 2-3 females and everything going good and yu want to do some female seeds, then stress one of female plants, that much it turns hermie and let it pollinate others or stress all of the plants then they turn hermie and youll will get 80 to 99.9% female plants


Well-Known Member
for infromation!

Hermies cause problems because they may carry the hermie
trait with their offspring. In fact, genetically the hermie will only
produce female seeds and hermaphrodite seeds. It will never produce a
male seed. If you have ever seen all female seeds been advertised by
seed-banks then you should have the right to know that these seeds
come from female plants which are stressed into producing male
flowers. The plants then self-pollinate themselves and the results are
female and hermaphrodite seeds. In a special case a female known as
an XX female will produce more female seeds than hermaphrodite
seeds. That is how female seeds are created. In general growers try to
keep away from any hermie plants because they will spoil a Sinsemilla
crop. Also having pollen floating around in your grow room from a
hermie plant will spoil everything else including breeding projects.
Abnormal bud growth is a side effect of this. Because the
plant produces male pollen sacks in with female flowers you may
notice that the bud looks different. Also the quantity of female bud
produced is decreased because of pollination.
Early induced flowering is not technically forcing your plant
to flower. If you force flower on one strain that has not pre-flowered it
will flower at roughly the same time as an exact copy of the same
strain which has been flowered only when the pre-flowers appear
naturally. Force flowering simply acts by stressing the plant into a
crisis condition.


Well-Known Member
So what you're saying is feminized seeds are from all females that have been pollinated by a hermie female plant... That was what I thought.

I didn't know that the seeds they produce will be only female or hermies... I was hoping for a male, to breed with. Hermies will only create more hermie seeds... And thats no good.

Oh well, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Breeders of feminized seeds go through alot of stress testing while hunting for those resilient females that fight to stay pure female longer than any others.. When they find this girl, they stress the heck out of it (usually chemically) to force it to herm against its will.. They may then breed those offspring hoping for even more pronounced resilience in the lineage that they can select to feminize.. How selective you need to be to get good numbers I don't know, the one thing I do know is I'm always bummed out when seeds I want are only available in feminized version, because I don't trust any feminized seeds..


Well-Known Member
Born2killspam thats right...

but female seeds fem seeds are from female plants which are turn hermie with long stress only female x female = female ;) got it...

so if other female pollinate other female there we got female.. but that is tricvky thing because female ( feminized ) seed's are not stabel they may carry hermie gen.. so someday you might got some female seeds and there is 1-3 hermie with too,
or all seeds can be hermie.. that happens :) so that's why some people not like to use feminized seed's

mainly the seed companys made feminized seed stress with gas.. that gas what name i dont remmember now but you can find it and buy it some site's or some stores.


Well-Known Member
Intense amounts of ethane would be a decent candidate for gas.. I've always heard of them spraying with gibberelic acid, or colloidal silver..


Well-Known Member
You know, I along with countless others, thought feminized seeds were guarenteed female. That's what they claim. I DID'T realize that they could be hermie seeds and ruin your garden.

Breeders don't mention hermie seeds when they're selling, just 100% female.

Gibbaleric acid, that's what I've heard, works.

Never heard of colloidial silver being used... Ever seen the blue guy who drinks it daily?


Well-Known Member
I hate feminized seeds! They've got all the seed companies trying to do it so all the seeds out there lack quality. i.e. hermie characteristics.

The last few times I've ordere seeds has been a big disappointment. Always a few hermies. Anybody know of a good bank thats still does it the old fashion way?


Well-Known Member
seeds are a big waste of money. those companies make huge money. with a healthy male and female plant you can make 2000 seeds. Buy some seeds and make a 100 seeds with them. the end product will be just as good as $100 seeds. they have so many different strains out there and to me most look almost identical to one another. to me its a marketing scheme. i watched the high times canna cup and all those diff strains look so much alike its not funny. i have the same strain as my brother and he gets different looking plants then me, the way they are grown affect its outcome.


Well-Known Member
Too bad you don't live around here if thats your opinion.. They grow mounds of industrial hemp, and any idiot could collect 100's of thousands of seeds if he wanted to..

Not only expensive seeds produce quality plants, but expensive seeds are your best best to give you dependably quality plants with expected characteristics.. Good seeds all have bag seed in their lineage..


Well-Known Member
If you're saying different strains don't exist, you're crazy. There are a wide variety of flavors and different types of effects depending on the strain.

I agree it's a marketing scheme, I paid 200 for 10 Super Skunk seeds from Sensi Seedbank... You can get hundreds of seeds on a indoor plant, so selling seeds can be extremely profitable.

I plan on breeding the pure Super Skunk with a couple favorites to make some hybrids.

Napalese Grizzly- if you are growing from bagseed there's a chance the strain is unstable, and that's why you get different variations within the strain. If you were to buy some good seeds suitable for your climate (I assume you are growing outdoors) you will have much better yields, and probably better tasting weed. Not to mention if you don't seperate the males from females, you'll have thousands of dollars worth of great seeds, you could give the strain away to make all weed in your area better... Skunk #1, a cross from a mexican/colombian female and an afghani male came from cali and went to Holland, and changed the world of breeding... Super Skunk is it's baby girl backcrossed to Afghani T, giving it more of the afghani charastics, it's one of the first hybrids, it's genetically pure.

A lot of strains out there have crazy names and look a lot alike. They're just different variations of breeding to change the yield or flavor, but there isn't that much difference once there are five crosses in the mix... There are a lot of strains that came from different lineage, that have the same taste, but grow differently, or look the same, but taste completely different. Some that yield pounds of low thc bud, and some that hardly yield anything, but are covered in trichromes.

Get real....

Good seedbanks;
D.J. Short,
Paradise Seeds,
Nirvana seeds,
Soma seeds,
Flying Dutchman,
Jordon of the Islands,
Greenhouse seed Co.
Dr. Atomic,
KC brains,
Serious seeds,
Growi seeds,
Mr. Nice Seedbank,
**Sensi Seedbank- (my fav);

shit marc emery's seedbank is pretty good, the bc marijuana party bookstore.


Well-Known Member
too bad i dont live where there is industrial hemp seeds...? I'm into growing good dope. i have bought one seed strain and made seeds with it and now i will never need to buy again. my seeds have been grown out and there is no difference in the end product and they produce killer weed. no different then the 100 buck seeds i bought. I wouldnt mind selling seeds for 10 bucks a pop, but Id settle for one buck.


Well-Known Member
You chimed in befor my reply... :D

Too bad you don't live around here if thats your opinion.. They grow mounds of industrial hemp, and any idiot could collect 100's of thousands of seeds if he wanted to..

Not only expensive seeds produce quality plants, but expensive seeds are your best best to give you dependably quality plants with expected characteristics.. Good seeds all have bag seed in their lineage..

Good seeds all have bagseed in their lineage, like I said Skunk #1... 70's bagseed breeded for it's special charastics...

Ak-47 - Columbian, Mexican, Thai and Afghani

Hindu Kush - bagseed from the Hindu Kush mountains...

D.J. Short Flo- Purple Thai female, Afghan male. - excellent taste.

Then you have haze and northern lights, and other strains that are uncrossed.

Also there is the other end of the power plants that were bred for huge buds...

Big bud started out as Skunk #1, and was bred with the largest yielding parents...

Critical mass - it's Mr. Nice's Bigbud... A heavy Afghani mother, Skunk #1 daddy.


Well-Known Member
i hear you normlpothead, i agree but those seed companies like soma or whatever have good genetics but come on, $400 for 10 seeds. i dont know, thats just how I feel about the whole seed industry. and they can get away with it.


Well-Known Member
Either you made good selections, or just got lucky.. Not every closet-grower who decides to sell seeds gets stable results.. Its about expectation as stated.. Its a pain to get 10 different phenos then mother the only one you want.. If you're doing a seedling crop, then the value of all the females being your desired phenotype is definately worth a few dollars..


Well-Known Member
too bad i dont live where there is industrial hemp seeds...? I'm into growing good dope. i have bought one seed strain and made seeds with it and now i will never need to buy again. my seeds have been grown out and there is no difference in the end product and they produce killer weed. no different then the 100 buck seeds i bought. I wouldnt mind selling seeds for 10 bucks a pop, but Id settle for one buck.
What strain?


Well-Known Member
Im very interested in breeding and everything. Like Very interested and trying my own experiments. I just dispise the big seed companies I guess..