Seedling Box


Well-Known Member
So I fucked up my most recent first grow. They've got about a month left, but I'm way too impatient to wait that long.

I'm going to have a separate box where I veg some plants for the month or so that these plants have left.

The "rubbermaid" thing is really appealing to me, but I only have one. I can't make the suggested one that requires 2.

My question is, since I'm not flowering in that box, should I be all set with just one?

I only want to veg about 6 plants, and I don't know if I even have that many seeds to germinate. I'm going to keep my plants low anyway.

Also; if I do one box, with 5 CFL's in there, will I need some sort of ventilation? I don't really have any computer fans to work with. Will that be too hot and a risk of fire?

Thanks, peace.