Seedling - curling/bending stem & nutrients in soil

Hi, in the beggening I'd like to mention that I'm not a native english speaker so sorry if I make some stupid mistakes, but lets get into the crux of the matter. Im growin my first plant (Royal Jack Auto). Today it is its 3rd day of growth, after sproutig from the ground and the stem is bending/curling in a weird way - photo below (at least it looks weird to me). Im growing in a 30x30cm (foot by foot) diy growbox with to PC fans (in and out) under a 85 Watt CFL bulb (equivalent to 400W, 5500K, 4750Lm), which at the moment im keeping around 4 1/2 inches (11,5 cm) above my plant on a 18/6 cycle. The temperature inside during day-time is around 80F (27*C), Im using regular soil (5,5-6,5 ph) without any nutrients, ive planted it in already moist soil, and then watered it a little bit (just before taking the photos) around the seedling, because the soil became dry on top and barely moist beneath the surface. At first i thought that the plant was stretching so I lowered the lamp by around 2 inches (5cm) but it didnt fix the problem. The other weird thing is that it keeps bending towards the "base" of the bulb, which is definitely not the brightest part of it - photo below. My biggest concern is that ive planted it to shallow - around 1/4 inch (6mm) deep, but i dont know if thats the cause of my problem. Duh I dont even know if I have a problem, but as I mentioned before Im a newbie and I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Id be glad if someone could ease my mind a little bit and I apologize if this thread is pointless, because Im just overconcerned and i should leave the plant alone to do its thing
You're fine. Almost all of my seedling fall right over at some point. Usually over or under watering because I start in the final pot. They always pull through.
Sometimes raising the light a couple inches helps them reach back up but you need to be careful doing that or she may stretch a lot.
I just realized that I might have screwed up a little bit. The soil that I bought has been fertilized in the factory with a 14-16-18 NPK fertilizer. Is that bad? Ive read that young plants shouldnt be receiving any nutrients. So should i try to flush the soil? If so, when would be the right time to do that (to avoid hurting the roots even more)?
I think your fine,you can use anything to hold up your plant.Over watering is all that should concern you right now.
Damn... that soil looks like it has no aeration. Water lightly until she gets bigger. She's doesn't need a whole lot of water right now anyway.
Damn... that soil looks like it has no aeration. Water lightly until she gets bigger. She's doesn't need a whole lot of water right now anyway.
i know that not adding perlite was a big mistake, but the soil actually compacted a lot when i watered it all a day before putting the seed in. The ground level was about 1/4" from the top of the pot. Im watering it very gently, only when the top of the soil dries out
yeah thats another mistake, i tried to buy it and i couldnt get it locally. I was too impatient and didnt want to wait for it to come in mail so i decided against using it. Haste makes waste...
Lol...I hear ya, but patience is a big key to growing. You're going to have to learn patience as well as growing.
is there a way I can improve aeration at this point? I know that it shouldve been taken care of earlier, but unfortunately i didnt realize how crucial it was back then.
You can scoop the plant out with both hands,get something ,little rocks, sand, anything really.Mix that in a new pot and replant her.
A better question is where did you get that dirt from? My guess says it isnt very good.
ive read a ton of contradictionary posts about humidity domes, but ill give it a try. Wont taking the plant out of the ground stress it too much? And if I were to take it out should i try to get a different kind of soil with no nutritients? And i also assume that i should do it asap while the roots are small. I got the soil from a gardening store. I got one of the cheaper ones
ive read a ton of contradictionary posts about humidity domes, but ill give it a try. Wont taking the plant out of the ground stress it too much? And if I were to take it out should i try to get a different kind of soil with no nutritients? And i also assume that i should do it asap while the roots are small. I got the soil from a gardening store. I got one of the cheaper ones
well dont buy the cheap ones lol,they dont sell perlite? or at least soil with perlight?
Hey new friend!
calm down now, things look good to me!
so look, you have it in standard potting soil I guess... if it were a bean or a tomato you would be cruising along like everyone else in the garden world. Cannabis isn’t too hard to grow, growing it with perfection and maxing a plant out, getting exotic looking nugs is difficult.
So don’t get in any hurry, let the soil dry down before watering if you poke your finger down an inch or so it isn’t moist.
The way I see it, let the sucker go ahead and grow in this pot until it forms roots enough to transplant into a bigger pot. Then we can worry about super soils and perlite/coco.
If the soil was already fertilized commercially it might not be too hot. It’s only a seed. Start more seeds using other soils you feel may work better and have an experiment!
have fun, hope I helped ease your mind.