Hi, in the beggening I'd like to mention that I'm not a native english speaker so sorry if I make some stupid mistakes, but lets get into the crux of the matter. Im growin my first plant (Royal Jack Auto). Today it is its 3rd day of growth, after sproutig from the ground and the stem is bending/curling in a weird way - photo below (at least it looks weird to me). Im growing in a 30x30cm (foot by foot) diy growbox with to PC fans (in and out) under a 85 Watt CFL bulb (equivalent to 400W, 5500K, 4750Lm), which at the moment im keeping around 4 1/2 inches (11,5 cm) above my plant on a 18/6 cycle. The temperature inside during day-time is around 80F (27*C), Im using regular soil (5,5-6,5 ph) without any nutrients, ive planted it in already moist soil, and then watered it a little bit (just before taking the photos) around the seedling, because the soil became dry on top and barely moist beneath the surface. At first i thought that the plant was stretching so I lowered the lamp by around 2 inches (5cm) but it didnt fix the problem. The other weird thing is that it keeps bending towards the "base" of the bulb, which is definitely not the brightest part of it - photo below. My biggest concern is that ive planted it to shallow - around 1/4 inch (6mm) deep, but i dont know if thats the cause of my problem. Duh I dont even know if I have a problem, but as I mentioned before Im a newbie and I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Id be glad if someone could ease my mind a little bit and I apologize if this thread is pointless, because Im just overconcerned and i should leave the plant alone to do its thing

Id be glad if someone could ease my mind a little bit and I apologize if this thread is pointless, because Im just overconcerned and i should leave the plant alone to do its thing