seedling - droopy leaves?


Well-Known Member

one of my seedlings (ak-forty eight) has very droopy leaves. not entirely sure what those first two leaves are called as i'm relatively new to this.

they are both very droopy, they are almost curling up backwards (if you get what i mean)

i've had a few thoughts as to what i could be but to be honest i have no idea if they would effect it.

firstly i thought it could be something to do with the soil i used because my other seedlings (in different soil) are doing well. there is a lot of manure in the soil so i thought it might have been something about the nutrients.

then i thought it might have been heat stress?

or maybe over/under watering?

any help will be much appreciated. and repped of course :bigjoint:

i'd hate to kill one of my first few plants so early on.


Well-Known Member
That happens a lot with my seedlings. It never led to anything. As long as they stay green and the other leaves aren't drooping, you'll be fine. Don't stress over it.


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks.

yea apart from the leaves it all looks good.

hopefully (fingers crossed) nothing will come of it as you said.

thanks again


Well-Known Member
Hi there,
First off, how old is the seedling? How tall is the stalk? What type of light do you have it under? Heat stress.....whats the temp in your grow set up?
If the seedling is very young as in only two leaves, watch out how much nutrient you are using. Usually newbies need very little. Perhaps the manure is a bit strong. I usually start off my seedlings using a mixture of vermiculite and soil. (very little soil) until they have a good set of leaves started and a healthy root base, then I transfer to a larger pot with the main soil mix. Over watering can stress the plant causing droopy leaves, and two much heat (over 90). I also start my seedlings under a flouescent and move them under the 430 hps when I trans fer them to the bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
Hi there,
First off, how old is the seedling? How tall is the stalk? What type of light do you have it under? Heat stress.....whats the temp in your grow set up?
If the seedling is very young as in only two leaves, watch out how much nutrient you are using. Usually newbies need very little. Perhaps the manure is a bit strong. I usually start off my seedlings using a mixture of vermiculite and soil. (very little soil) until they have a good set of leaves started and a healthy root base, then I transfer to a larger pot with the main soil mix. Over watering can stress the plant causing droopy leaves, and two much heat (over 90). I also start my seedlings under a flouescent and move them under the 430 hps when I trans fer them to the bigger pot.

seedling was potted about 3 days ago.

stalk is just about over half an inch. i thought it could be heat stress because i'm currently still sorting my set-up out, i had my larger plant under my 600w hps and my seedlings were sitting close to it for a little while.

i'm not using nutes but like i said one of my thoughts was about the manure maybe being a tad too strong.

for now it's back under my very small Fluorescent. Temperature is ok now. guess i'll have to wait until morning to see how it is.

cheers madbiker69 :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well it was probably a combination of the manure and a bit too much heat/light. Hope the little bugger pulls through.