Seedling Dying?

Hey guys,

This is my first seedling from a seedbank, NLxBB which I germinated around a week ago and planted in some coco, it looked great at first but it hasn't seemed to do much the last few days and now looking a bit worse for ware. I really would like to save this if I can...

22/3/17 - Germinated in cup of water for 24 hours till taproot showed
23/3/17 - Planted in coco, 1.5L rocket pot
25/3/17 - Sprouted and looking healthy (pic 1)
Filled in around the stem with coco as it grew so it didn't get too stringy/spindly
Fed with weak mix of grow nutes and silica, under 250ppm and pH 5.9
29/3/17 - Spotted an adult fungus gnat in the coco, provided weak solution of eco neem to kill them (under 80ppm)
30/3/17 - Has not developed second set of leaves and seems to be yellowing (pic2)

I think I have good drainage and hopefully have not overwatered.

Pic 1 and pic 2 are 7 days apart.
Please help, can this be saved? I really hope it's not beyond repair.
I am not sure how quickly second set of true leaves should appear.



Day 7
If I had to guess, I'd say you nutrient-burned it. I don't think seedlings need any nutrients.

How are you watering?

You have it in a 1.5L pot. I'd have planted it in a solo cup until it was root bound then transplanted.

Maybe flush it with just water, and r-eplant it in a solo cup?

It can be saved. It's called weed for a reason. I've majorly messed up grows early on, and the plant came out fine once I identified the issue and rectified it.
Thanks for everyone's advice.

I decide to open up the rocket pot and have a look at it today as it was not getting any better, the leaves were completely yellow/white and the cotyledons started going yellow too. I think the roots look fairly healthy but I don't think I flushed the coco enough before I used it, and I also noticed a bit of a kink in the stem which it just flopped over at once unpotted completely. Decided it's a lost cause and I should just get over it, was a freebie seed anyway, so it's in the bin now.

Cracked a new seed today to replace it, TH Seeds M.O.B (mother of berries).