seedling help!!! dining :( again!!


Well-Known Member
Hello I germinated seeds about a week ago and they popped with 1 inch root then I planted them about half a inch into a pot I'm doing 18/6 with 25 degrees and 50 percent humidity... With 2 cold clfs 24w and 1 2700 warm about 3 inches above... What am I doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
what's the plant look like?

what kind of medium do you grow in?

25 degrees Celsius?

what water are you using tap or ro?


Well-Known Member
25 fucking degrees!? Please tell me that is NOT F*, in C* that's 77* F which is good, what did you plant the seeds into? Once germed, they dont need much water, could be over water but I doubt. A 1 FULL INCH TAIL!? that's pretty fucking big for a seed pre-planting. May want to try at 1/8"-1/4" at most about 1/2"... I never even had a seed germ that long, maybe that is why its fucking up?


Well-Known Member
Rain water.
Potting mix expensive stuff
And maybe not that long lol probably had a inch :) and it never popped out of the dirt... I carefully dug it out and the root is longer but the water leaves are yellow


Well-Known Member
Well your using the wrong light speck idk if that would kill it though. I think watering every days may be little excessive

can you explain how they're dying? And what they're looking like ??


Well-Known Member
I'm not watering every day?? They never popped out of soil so I dug them carefully out and they are yellow


Well-Known Member
Oh damn im sorry man I think I may of mixed up what read my bad.
ether way.
you moist the soil when you popped the bean in?

I Hurd (don't know how true it is) that they don't need a whole lot of light early on.
but I'm no expert just gotta hobbie