Seedling help!


Seeds are starting to germinate.
They'll be grown with CFL's that will be kept close to the plants.
Should the seedling be given a high phosphorus nute to help roots?
Any other advice on seedling care?

Much appreciated

big happy

they say not to nutrients your plants but if you insist wait till the are a week old and use canna rhizotonic 1/4 strength and work your way up


Well-Known Member
I would use very little nutes while in seedling. Maybe 25% of the stregth recommended on the bottle. Some people choose not to provide any nutes to seedlings until they are 2-3 weeks old. If your going to use nutes, error on the safe side and use less.


Well-Known Member
Don't use fertilizers on new seedlings, use worm casting tea diluted to half strength. They're too sensitive to nutrients now. Just plain mineral water is good enough for the first couple of weeks, then give them a little nitrogen. It's better to give too little than too much. good luck


New Member
yeah . i give them little nutrients , if anything. but yes i also heard that they to little for that , so i wouldnt . just use water for like 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
NO NUTES until they are around three weeks old. Up to that point, the cotyldons (little rounded leaves) have everything a young seedling needs to grow! It is safe, however, to start them on Molassas at two weeks old - half a TBSP per gallon of water. Keep them moist but not overwatered, keep the lights close, and be patient. Feel free to talk to them. Really, not kidding, the CO2 you breath out is good for 'em. Enjoy!;-)


Active Member
yes if you use any nutes on ur seedlings u will be sorry u did , like doeeyed said they have everything they need for right now , i usually wait until they have 4 stes of leaves before i use 1/4 strength nute solution, and remember every strain is a little different they all react to the nutes in different ways, some can take heavier feedings then others , ur best bet is to take it slow on the nutes and see what she likes. Good luck

Doeyed my brother swears that talkin to his plants helps them grow sometimes he sings


Well-Known Member
Doeyed my brother swears that talkin to his plants helps them grow sometimes he sings
lol I told ya I wasn't kidding! It really does - not because they love the sound (or vibration, as the case may be) of your voice, either - we have a major symbiotic relationship with plants, we breath their exhaust, and they breath ours! It's pretty amazing if ya think about it. :-P:leaf: