Seedling help !


So last one I grew from seed they sprouted from the rapid rooter and got 6in tall and fell over in 2 days. I usually clone but starting another strain. Today they are out of the rooter about an inch and wondering what to do to prevent that again? Put the light closer ?


Well-Known Member
Definitely but the light closer, most the time they stretch to get close to the light,
What's your set up
What you are experiencing is caused by lack of light. The little seedlings are not getting enough light and are stretching out in search of more. This is a fairly common problem, and can be fixed by either moving your current lights closer, or adding more light altogether.

If you provide more information, such as your current light set-up, and the space dimensions you are growing in, I could help you more accurately.


Well-Known Member
put the light a little closer and for seedlings you don't need more that a couple fluor tubes or maybe a couple cfls. If they stretch a little you can use a toothpick to stabilize it. Also get a small fan and don't blow it directly on it just so that it moves the stem around a little so it can strengthen it. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you can start seedlings in a taller pot, with less soil. So say a 6" tall pot, and 2" soil. When the seed breaks through the surface, and is about an inch above the soil, add some more dirt to cover the stem up (don't bury the leaves). As it gradually grows taller, keep adding dirt, and repeat until the pots full.

This way, the seeds pop as normal, you control the stretch, and the seedling has an awesome root system.

rapid rooter, smapid pooter, your seeds want dirt.