Seedling In Problem!


Active Member
Ive started this plant 2 weeks ago and a problem is appearing, First the lower leaves are turning yellow, then there are dark spot appearing on the yellowing leaves and then they are beginning to dry and die. What could be the problem? here are some information on my setup

2 X 40w cool with compact fluorescent for 3 seedlings
Temp: usually around 30-32 degrees celcius.
Watering: i water them when the soil is dry 1 inch from the surface.
Soil: Normal soil i bought in a gardening store, it was the cheapest kind...
fans: i have two computer fans in the grow box, 1 sending outside air in and the other one sending inside air out.

My first guess would be temperature?? i dont really know what range of temp is optimal for these plants to grow. other than that i have no idea on what could be the problem cuz they dont seem over or under watered and the lights are close enough (4-5 inches away from the top of the plants). Another thing is, the problem spread to the 2 largest seedling and the third one (who took a bit more time to start) does not seem to devellop the problem so far.



New Member
This looks like a classic case of Ph lock out to me. Adjust the ph of your water when you are watering. You should also check the ph of the soil because that is what looks wrong to me. That plant should not need ferts at this point, but if your ph is off it can not absorb nutes from the soil.


Well-Known Member
32 Celsius is WAY to hot... you want 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit or 22-25 Celsius. that probably isn't the main problem but it isn't helping and will stunt growth. yeah though ph lockout is a good thought.
This looks like a classic case of Ph lock out to me


Well-Known Member
sup dude . yeah id agree with ph'ing your water. It is very important. And not very exspensive.

You need a liquid ph kit , and some ph up and ph down. Then you need to ph your water to around 6.8-7 . Plants at that age shouldnt need extra nutes in soil. But as the dude above said , if it can't get the nutes available then your fucked.

Also 32 is a bit high. Not that bad ifyour growing a mainly sativa , they don't mind the heat But here's what i suggest mate.

Instead of having a fan for both intake and exhaust , Put both fans up top as exhausts . then at the bottom cut two holes around same size as your fans as your intakes.
You Don't need fans for intakes as the exhaust fans will create a negative pressure and suck air in the holes for you. Don't worry about smell getting out , the airflow will sort that prob out , but you might wanna hook some ducting up to them and divert the light shining from them ( only if thats an issue)

I hope that helped.


Well-Known Member
Dude , 22 degree celcius is ok for night time , but not optimal!!

Optimal growing temp for marijuana is 27 degree celcius!