Seedling in trouble


Well-Known Member
I am doing bubbleponics and I put my seeds that had sprouted in rockwool cubes three days ago. Today, one of the seedlings that had started to stand straight up in the rockwool (was about 1/4 inch tall) has laid down on top of the rockwool..all others seem to be doing just fine...any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
If it is laying down but the root at the bottom is still standing then maybe the roots were disturbed......

Which Lights,Nutes,Soil, Are you using?.


Well-Known Member
No nutes or lights at the moment. Since it is only the 4th day since they sprouted I havent turned the lights on or given any nutes yet. It is in bubbleponics so no soil, just water running to the bottom of the rockwool.


Well-Known Member
they need light i dont exactly know what it is your trying to explain but if its what ur tryna say its cuz it has nothing to grow tawords... doesnt no where the sun is


Active Member
Not trying to be rude here but hes asking those questions as the plant could be streching for the light which will make it long skinny and weak you can also put a fan in the to blow on them lightly but be careful not to give them wind burn


Well-Known Member
If your on a budget grow go to wallmart and pick up some 42 watt clfs their 8 dollars a piece and put out 2700 lumens each.:joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info.I was told not to give them light until the sprouts had both of their leaves. Should I light them up now or wait on their first leaves?