Seedling issue


Well-Known Member
Well I have this northern light auto by nirvana and I germed it in a paper towel, sprouted the tap root in about 2 days. Planted it in a red solo cup filled with ocean forest. It sprouted up a stem then the casing hasn't fallen off. It's been about 5 days. I transplanted it yesterday to a 5 gal bucket with holes on the bottom. Still today the casing hasn't come off. I looked up some people saying to take the casing off without damaging the cotyledons .i was able to crack the shell open and one half fell off. The other one wasn't really budging so I left it on. Will it live?



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you gotta get that shell off there or its gonna die..... Bad news is, its probably not gonna survive either way, but you have a better chance if you get the rest of that shell off
Why would you plant in a solo cup and transplant a 5 day old seedling to a 5 gallon bucket? What did you accomplish by doing that?
HELLO! This is a very uber easy fix. All you do is take a quarter size piece of paper towel and make it wet, set it on top of the plant for about ten minutes and then you'll be able to slide off that shell.
Llol i must say that does seem abit soon to be transplanting, but if u've had that work fine before then its cool. Guess it toughens 'em up early at least!

But u don't need to worry too much about half shell being on; it should grow/throw it off in few days & if it does look like its sticking still, then just hold both sides of shell edges between ur thumb & forefinger and hold seedling stem with other thumb & forefinger and just try to gradually ease it off with a firm, slow pull. If it feels like its gonna rip its head off then stop, but otherwise it should ease/pop off. But i'd say ur main concern is more what the roots are now doing rather than it still having half a shell on its head. Hopefully it'll grow up & out fine.
Plus also, its not like ur gonna bin it if ur not certain, so u may as well just keep growing as normal and see what it does. At the very least, its always informative.
Llol i must say that does seem abit soon to be transplanting, but if u've had that work fine before then its cool. Guess it toughens 'em up early at least!

But u don't need to worry too much about half shell being on; it should grow/throw it off in few days & if it does look like its sticking still, then just hold both sides of shell edges between ur thumb & forefinger and hold seedling stem with other thumb & forefinger and just try to gradually ease it off with a firm, slow pull. If it feels like its gonna rip its head off then stop, but otherwise it should ease/pop off. But i'd say ur main concern is more what the roots are now doing rather than it still having half a shell on its head. Hopefully it'll grow up & out fine.

I got some tweezers and took off the other half of the seed casing. It looks kind of deformed
i've got seedlings that do that sometimes just make sure u get the shell off of it as soon as you see it if it happens again. > Also why trans plant a seedling that hasnt even set any roots up yet next time you should wait atleast 3 weeks
i've got seedlings that do that sometimes just make sure u get the shell off of it as soon as you see it if it happens again. > Also why trans plant a seedling that hasnt even set any roots up yet next time you should wait atleast 3 weeks

It's an auto and I heard they shoot down a big tap root so I transplant at sign of growth.
not the way to go man. Why risk and damage a nicely formed tap root after only 5days? Not worth it in my mind. If i was you, i would let it have time to develop a nice and good root system.
This is what it looks like now, it doesn't look right to me. Will it recover?


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