Seedling not Growing


Well-Known Member
So, I transferred a seedling into my DWC about a week and a half ago. Since then, the veins have developed a slight purple colour, the leaves have been drooping like crazy, the bottom leaves have turned yellow and, most importantly, the thing hasn't grown at all. I mean...not even the hint of a new leaf. What you see in the picture is the same as it looked when I transplanted it.

I've grown two plants in here (Lost one to root rot in the flowering stage and lost the other to pests. Both issues I have addressed). Is this just "one of those things" where some seedlings take a while to spring back, or is it possible that something else is going on here?
BTW, the thing in the pic is a temperature probe. I have two, one going into the water and one on top of the clay.
Not sure need more info, like lights used, power and distance, what your feeding etc but first things I would try to rule out are PH issues and root issues. Make sure to calibrate your PH meter first
PH is good (Right around 5.6), lights aren't SUPER powerful but they seems to be enough to work as I've grown two other plants in here with them (They are LEDs). I have them fairly close but not close enough to burn. Also, they don't seem to give off any heat. Seedling is not in rockwool. I started it in soil then cleaned it off and transplanted it right into the clay. I've done this successfully many times before. I had originally added some nutrients to the water. PPM meter showed 254 and the starting water was 125 so nutrients were only at 129 (Which I guessed was okay because I found out later I wasn't supposed to give them nutrients yet?). I did add a small capfull of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the initial water, about 1 tsp for 3 gallons. Temp is sitting at 73 degrees F.
is that a water line in the top left of the clay?

maybe move that a bit closer to the plant.

sound like more that the plant is "pausing" as the soil roots change to hydro roots. and my first set of big leaves always look like crap like that: i'm more concerned with the new growth.
Those line are temperature meters. I have one on top and a second that runs down, into the water. (I had issue with temperature killing a plant with root rot so wanted to be better equipped this time.

The water, in the bucket, is about half way up the net pot so it's keeping the clay wet, without submerging the bottom of the plant.
The water, in the bucket, is about half way up the net pot so it's keeping the clay wet, without submerging the bottom of the plant.
that's the hardest part: not submerging the roots vs not getting any moisture up there. just keep on going and hopefully you'll have some roots poking out and then that part goes away.

all your other variable seem to be on point
I transferred a seedling into my DWC
here's another tip let your seedlings get long enough roots so that they will be hanging out of the netpot when you transfer. then you just keep your waterlevel 1 to 2" below and no more problems.
I'd make sure you didn't over feed her by cutting back on nutes for a couple days. Maybe trying just water for a day or two wouldn't hurt. I killed off a few plants plants before by over fertilizing. Thanks for posting and she really doesn't look too bad.
I top water until their roots can get to the water below.. seems like forever but they make it eventually, and in that time they don't grow much at all cause they are trying to get their roots goin.
Ahhh. I see. Thanks, icetech!
yes/ perfect advice from icetech. add a DIY top feed little system if you can. if you look at the design of a GH waterfarm, the top feed ring runs 24/7. it's been one of the fastest systems as far as getting the roots from the top to out the net pot that i've eve used
Yeah, it is indeed steep. But, it's something I always wanted to learn. I have a fairly green thumb and am very "science minded" so hydro always fascinated me. If I can learn this cool new way to grow plants (New to me) AND get some pot...well, that's just win/win! lol.
So new growth and leaves are now wilted down, most of the way.

post a new pic please.. if you are top watering once a day those things should be fine.. and i hope you don't have the water level really high to where the plant is in it..

And they are droopy to where they feel like they are just mush without structure?