Seedling root accelerator?

Hello all!

I have been keeping and eye on my first grow and realized that in the last week there has been only a tiny fraction of growth.
This must be due to the roots not receiving any water as there are no roots poking out of the netpot (im using DWC) and its already halfway throught week 3.

Is there any way to speed up root development or is this the way is should be?

The water level is just below the netpot but the root still seem to not want to grow through.
I did try to use a drip line via water pump directly to the roots but i removed it after a few days as i was scared it would drown the delicated seedlings.
Am i just being impatient?



New Member
Patience.. they will get there then the plant will explode. I keep my water at bottom of net pot entire grow with no drip just a dunk once a day while young and sometimes not even that.

Make sure your EC/PPM is lower then you would think.. maybe 100-200ppm or something in that range or even lower. DWC less is more, and that is never more true then with the babies.
High EC can stunt seedling growth as the roots burn and have to fight to grow and thrive.


Well-Known Member
Vincent: Big Chees's urge for patience is important but to be of real help you we will need to know a lot more.
1. What strain are you trying to grow? Seeds or clones? Some are a bitch to get started.
2. What nutes are you using?
3. PPM's and maintained pH would be helpful.
4. I'm assuming you have air stones in your bubble bucket or tub? To get them established, I set the initial water/nutes level to the bottom of my net basket, barely touching, and with vigorous bubbling underneath it. The minute the roots start to appear in the Hydroton I drop it about a half inch. The splash from the bubbling keeps them growing down. When you've got a train of roots hanging down then I drop the reservoir level about two to three inches so they're just barely touching. Next time you might want to put a pump in there and run a top drip line until they're established and they reach the reservoir level. Take a look at Stealth Hydros unit at their web site, that's what I copied and it works great, especially for the first month to six weeks.
5. Lighting; what kind, how far off your plants is it?
6. A description of your growing environment would be helpful; temperature, humidity? One fellow last year was trying to start seeds in a dark, damp basement that was very cold, near freezing, and he wondered why his babies were slow to start.
Enlighten us on those things and we might be able to help you if you need anything more than patience. I wish there was an easier way, but from what you ask, I think you might want to RTFB and refer to the following:
3. Read: Ed Rosenthal’s, “MARIJUANA GROWER’S HANDBOOK.”
4. You’ll also want to read: Mc Carthy’s book, “GROWING MARIJUANA.”
5. You should also subscribe to, “HIGH TIMES,” magazine. Each issue is chocked full of useful information. .” All these resources are very well written, well illustrated and packed with information that will answer most of your questions before you know to ask them. And I want to add a new book to the list, a 6[SUP]th[/SUP] one: “THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE- SECOND EDITION,” written by Greg Green. It’s a match to, if not better than, the ones listed above. Doing your homework and consulting these resources will save you and your plants a lot of anxiety before you plant. These forums are great but often they can’t get the information you need to you in a timely fashion. I hope this helps.
I hope that helps. HSA