Seedling roots


Active Member
Hey all, I started my seeds in jiffy pellets and decided to remove the mesh before putting in solo cups of coco/perlite.
They had a small bit of a root growing through the bottom, and removing the mesh cut it off. I’d say a centimeter or less of root was lost. Will they be okay? I tried just searching the topic and some say it’s fine some say they are dead. I believe it was the tap root, it was the only one that had penetrated the mesh.
Hey all, I started my seeds in jiffy pellets and decided to remove the mesh before putting in solo cups of coco/perlite.
They had a small bit of a root growing through the bottom, and removing the mesh cut it off. I’d say a centimeter or less of root was lost. Will they be okay? I tried just searching the topic and some say it’s fine some say they are dead. I believe it was the tap root, it was the only one that had penetrated the mesh.
It might stunt growth as any disturbing of tiny roots
Maybe maybe not