Seedling seems to have stoped growing!?


I got this purple haze that I recently sprouted, id say about a week ago. It's about 2 1/2 inches, and has its first stage of leaves but thats it, and its been like this for about 3 days now with no noticeable growth. Its nice and green, and dosent look like its dieing. Any wise words of advise?

Its in a red solo cup Filled with scotts garden soil, alittle sand and a tiny bit of bonemeal organics fertilizer. I was also using one 14 watt cfl light, but up'd it to 3 today making 42 watts in all. All of which are about 2-3 inches from the top Do i not have enough light/watts?


Active Member
it might work for a small plant but it would flower better with 6500k fluorescents or get a little 150 hps after a while


Well-Known Member
42 true CFL watts will suffice for quite a while. Keep them close but watch for burn if too close. If they do burn some then back off a little but keep them on. Water only a couple of times then 1/4 strength grow feeding followed by two waterings and then repeat. 1/4 strength then advance to 1/2 strength and repeat the feed/water cycle.


Well-Known Member
If you can find a single 55-watt CFL in 6500K, buy that and a cheap bowl reflector. That will get the job done cheaper than multiples.


Well-Known Member
You really need to post da pic I start my in the cups with sunshine mix for 1 week then 1 gallon the second week still using sm4 and on the 3rd week 5 gallon pots of da ffof for your plants I'm guessing it's time to transplant and the use of MH light 400 watter at least the second week I feed with 250 ppms of grow nutes it's just a guess......


Well-Known Member
hey buddy to start off with 14wat light is kinda next to know light i would up it asap, and also we need alot more details on your often u water, light hours, ferts?what soil ?temps? etc... etc etc ..