seedling stress


Hi all, 2 seedlings had been transplanted in the first week from insufficient pots and had shown signs of stress with almost no growth for days but after some TLC they are back to steady, yet slow progress but obviously not where they should be by now in week 3.

If the plant is stressed out that early are there any long term effects to potency or yield or does it just make a full recovery like it never happened?


might be worth going to pick up either, a cyco xl or a rock supergrowth, you use it in week 3 of vegetation, and increases size dramatically in the week you use it. this might catch you up on where you should be dont stress though, you will still recieve the same yeild just will take longer to complete the cycle.


Thanks for the replies guys I do appreciate it.

When the power of love is greater than the love of power, the world will know peace-
Jimi Hendrix