seedling to flowering


Hi! I'm a newbie and and glad to join this forum. This is my first grow and no idea what variety it is except I'm sure it's sativa. This is the 4th month from seedling to flowering stage and have no idea if the growth is normal based on the timeline. These are outdoor growth and I am living on the tropics. I would appreciate if someone would comment or share their expert opinion with regards to fertilization and additional care. I am also curious to know how long will I have to wait up to harvest stage. Any comment or suggestion is much appreciated.20130219_130607 (Small).jpg20130219_130615 (Small).jpg20130219_130634 (Small).jpg20130219_130640 (Small).jpg These herbs are about 30 to 40" in height. I started seedlings via hydrophonics and transferred to 5 gallon containers during their vegetative growth up to today. Sunlight is 12/12 since I started. Thanks again.