seedling vs veg confusion


hey guys, so I have a couple seedlings at the moment and I've read and understand that a seedling is pretty much in the vegetative state.
Some people consider a "Seedling" stage which they say lasts approx two weeks ... Its not a big deal to me its pretty much the same idea I would say BUT I have a little bit of confusion when people mention how LONG to veg for. They will describe it in terms of weeks. Eg. "I've been vegging my plants for 4 weeks now".

So lets use the 4 weeks as an example, when does the 4 weeks start? when the seed pops out from the soil? or is there a certain amount of leaves to wait for before considering your veg time? Hopefully my question was pretty straight forward.



Active Member
I count it as soon as it pops out of the soil, but it would also make sense to count it from the time the first set of "real" leaves appears (not the round ones that first appear).

The "seedling" stage is a veg stage, even when on 12/12. On the 12/12 from seed thread they talk about how the flowers won't show until 2 weeks or longer of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
It's up depends on the person. Some would say four weeks when it's four weeks out of dirt. I wait to think of that play as vegging until it has 2-3 sets of true leafs. Not including the cotyl leaves. I would top it two more sets of leaves later.


Thanks guys, I think Im just going to wait until all my plants have 2-3 set's of real leaves and then "veg" them under 18/6!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry so much about time as I would size. You want the plant to be as big as will fit in your system (physically and in terms of lighting), keeping in mind that it will continue to grow even in 12/12.


Ursus marijanus
I think it's a hydroponics-specific issue. Seedlings have different nutrition requirements than veging adolescent plants ... in that context the seedling/veg category split makes good sense, as opposed to soil which, so long as it isn't too hot, is the same for seedling v. veg. Jmo. cn


I wouldn't worry so much about time as I would size. You want the plant to be as big as will fit in your system (physically and in terms of lighting), keeping in mind that it will continue to grow even in 12/12.
After reading this, it has made a lot more sense. Im reading that lights on 24/0 will grow quicker than 18/6, there are just too many variables. Ill definitely determine based on size! also what should I look for to knmow its mature enough to take cuttings?

I think it's a hydroponics-specific issue. Seedlings have different nutrition requirements than veging adolescent plants ... in that context the seedling/veg category split makes good sense, as opposed to soil which, so long as it isn't too hot, is the same for seedling v. veg. Jmo. cn
thanks , your response just backed up many other replies which is great, im growing in soil(growing medium) so it seems like it shouldnt be too big of a deal! :)

Thanks guys!