Seedling with seed attached on it


I know there are already open threads on this subject, but the seemed old & dusty and i didnt think i d get an ansewer..

So hello guyz!! New here and it seems really nice to be part of suuuuuch a large group, the growers! xD
  • Newb alert on, first grow.I ll get straight to my question. So I germinated this particular seed(fem, ghs The Church) on 1/2/13, paper towel method & when it sprouted i planted it in all mix soil in plastic cup. Hps above it so humidity at 50% which i kno its low for this stage. Anyway, i ended up with the little guy growing with the seed hat on top due to the low humidity( it was dry & hard) so at 12/2/13 i removed it manually, like a surgeooooon(WeirdAl FTW!), no harm done. Now it looks like this. And that doesn
    • DSC_0115.jpg
      • t look like a set of leaves. Looks like a really really early stage of it.. So enlighten me, will it grow??? xD



Well-Known Member
Look close to see if the leaves are held together with a skin. Might be able to peel it off, and everything will be ok.
Not positive because i cant see much in that picture.
But I have had to take the shell off before, and never had problems.


Well-Known Member
It should be OK, but if you're worried about it, keep it misted for several hours to keep whatever 'skin' you're talking about soft, like you usually would with the seed that you pulled off already.;-)


Active Member
It should be OK, but if you're worried about it, keep it misted for several hours to keep whatever 'skin' you're talking about soft, like you usually would with the seed that you pulled off already.;-)
Yep, do what the bear said. I mean, he is a talking bear, enough said.


Well-Known Member
NEVER pry the shell off by hand. EVER. It can cause a whole lot of problems! Next time just drop a few drops of water on the shell and repeat daily until it falls off if it doesn't come off within the first day of doing it. What your seeing is what happens when you pry the shell off early. Its like picking a scab, don't do it let it fall off on its own. The seed still should recover though hopefully as long as its not a super feeble strain. Also plant root tip up.


Well-Known Member
It should be OK, but if you're worried about it, keep it misted for several hours to keep whatever 'skin' you're talking about soft, like you usually would with the seed that you pulled off already.;-)

Yep better go with the bear, he's da man...


Wow really thank you all for your quick replies!!! Actually that was QUICK! This site is the marijuana Bible xD!


As for the strain(The Church), its considered on of the strongest among GHS company, or so they say..


Well-Known Member
I had 2 do that to me on this my very first grow, thank God I had 6 sprout..but those 2 look knarly, but they're startin to grow take a look a don't fret they'll be ok..


And just because I'm an excited n00b and love to show them off (anonymously) here's my 18 day old & 15 day old...



Well-Known Member
I occasionally do a little minor surgery to help things along if the seed case looks to be too firmly attached. I find a pair of fine nosed tweezers work a treat. Just look for a little flap of almost clear plant matter that is holding the seed case in place, and VERY carefully and gently peel it away. I will add that every time I have done this, I believe that nature would have achieved the same thing had I only been patient.


Well-Known Member
you wont have that problem if you change one thing
not to do wit humidity

i used to plat split seeds wit tap root down in soil right below surface

then i spoke to the famous Dr greenthums he insits that you plant 1/2 inch down an wit tap root up
swearing the tap starts up curves and goes downward
i tried this system and no more seedlings coming up wit seed stuck on it or the thin lining from inside the seed on it
all now a thing of the past

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I an I


Really usefull stuff from just one question. Thanks again guyz! Funny thing is that this seedling was actually the succesful one whilst the other one died, newbie mistake. I planted it & it has been growing really fast till 5/2 or 6/2 and the just stopped.( still had the seedhat on, which i took off yesterday). Since then its growth looks like "paused" till now. Thats whats bothering me. I know its alive & strong, but paused! Hope it ll grow..


Well-Known Member
I plant with taproot facing up so it curls around and drags the seed through the soil. Even still I sometimes get the seed stuck to the leaves. I take two toothpicks and gently scrape off the skin and everything is fine. Never had any issue with any seedling that I have had to do that to.


Well-Known Member
I've had them stuck pretty good at times (2-3 days) and if they don't come off on their own I use tooth picks or something small and pointed and pry the damn shell off. Never had an issue with them dying... so far.


Well-Known Member
I never remove seed cases. I find that putting the humidity dome back on for a couple of days makes them fall off.


Well-Known Member
althor the deal to solve is must be 1/2 inch down in soil- whut ido is wet up my soil first then i take a chop stick ( a nice thickness for a seed) mark off a half inch probe a hole into soil drop seed in cover -i used to just put seed right below surface thinkng it wi will be easier for seed to come up -but 1/3 of time seed hat helmet on or the thin membran on it .... Elmo as far as pulling seed hat from seedling is dangerous as leves grow will expell 95 percent of time
good grows good luck to all

I an I


Well-Known Member
This is perfectly normal, i germinate seeds in rockwool , this happens to some of them
the leaves will split the shell if you can be patient enough to wait
or as bigby said when it is almost fully split you can give it a little helping hand i use a cocktail stick or a needle
if planted in soil the seedling has the soil to push against as it shoots up above the soil line helping the seed shell to crack open
so is not so likely to happen

peace :)