Seedling yellow and red color


Well-Known Member
I'm new to this forum and to growing in general. I've been learning everyday and trying to read just about everything on the internet. On my first grow and have a seedling that is just having a hard time. I constructed a grow box (about 2 x 2). A single 85-watt 5700k CFL, intake fan on the bottom and exhaust at the top of the box. I covered the sides in white. Started the seedling in "Gardener's Pride" all purpose potting soil with all natural matter and no added nutrients about 2 weeks ago. After the baby leaves and the first two true leaves appeared, the true leaves started to turn yellow. They progressively turned more yellow and started to droop, the baby round leaves have turned almost reddish. New true leaves are starting to grow out as you can see in the picture, but it also looks like those are hinting a yellow hue. At first I had my CFL real close to the seedling and found my temp was getting up to 90 degrees, so I fixed ventilation and backed the light off. Didn't seem to really do a whole lot. I've been watering with distilled water when the top of the soil looks dry about 30 minutes after lights go on (I'm on a 18/6 schedule). No nutrients added.

My concerns were first too much heat causing this or some type of nutrient deficiency. Everywhere I've looked I I haven't really been able to pinpoint the problem though. Any suggestions?

I have added another 85 watt 5700k CFL today because I was thinking 85w is too little for a 2x2 space.

Appreciate the help in advance and I look forward to learning more.


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have you ph that soil/ph the water .i would start there because that is not a happy plant . i kinda had a similar problem . i wound up getting some fox farm happy frog ,completlly replanted them. i let the soil dry but not to dry and took out of cup got most of the dirt of roots ,before i placed back into soil -i sprinkeled some root magic by blue planet nutrient on the soil-placed seedling into cup and carefully filled the happy frog in the cup all the way to the two little seed leaves. after that water it in make sure you ph the water ,i keep mine at 6.5.the plant might go into shock-mine didn't i replanted carefully and gently.if it does give it 2 or 3 days and i should come around.after i replanted mine 3 days later i had root coming out bottom of the cup and then transplanted into 3 gal pot and they are rocking now.
let it dry out and then give it real water, Distilled water has no O2 in it, it is one of the worst waters you can use, if your tap water is bad give it bottled water
Thanks for the replies. I'll try to pH more recent and stop using DI water. I've picked up some FF happy frog as well. Luckily I have some new seedlings that are doing very well, so I'll pay a lot more attention to the details.
let it dry out and then give it real water, Distilled water has no O2 in it, it is one of the worst waters you can use, if your tap water is bad give it bottled water
I agree that Distilled water isn't the greatest for watering plants and it lacks minerals essential for plant growth but those minerals and (impurities) can be added for those who like the micromanaging, not me. As far as Distilled water not containing oxygen Id have to disagree. Without Oxygen water cannot exist as water and would simply be 2 molecules of Hydrogen. Dissolved Oxygen is found in all water including Distilled.
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I agree that Distilled water isn't the greatest for watering plants and it lacks minerals essential for plant growth but those minerals and (impurities) can be added for those who like the micromanaging, not me. As far as Distilled water not containing oxygen Id have to disagree. Without Oxygen water cannot exist as water and would simply be 2 molecules of Hydrogen. Dissolved Oxygen is found in all water including Distilled.
You are right, there has to be an oxygen molecule for it to be water :) and there are ways to up the O2 in it but most don't do it
pH'd my water, its 7 going in and 6.5 in run-off. I repotted the poor looking seedling carefully using FF Happy Frog 2 days ago. Although the seedling still looks pretty bad it is responding positively with some new green growth. Still to soon to see if it'll make it but thanks for the suggestions RM3 and OldShold4evr. We are at least heading in the right direction!
chemical burn and over watering

Yep, I probably did do the classic noob mistake and overwater, I'm learning now :). What do you mean by Chem burn? The soil too hot? It's still alive (so far) but is still pretty knarly. Terry385, you are probably right my friend but I will keep fighting and maybe I'll end up producing some mutant strain that kicks ass simply by being a noob hahaha, or it'll just die.
Yep, I probably did do the classic noob mistake and overwater, I'm learning now :). What do you mean by Chem burn? The soil too hot? It's still alive (so far) but is still pretty knarly. Terry385, you are probably right my friend but I will keep fighting and maybe I'll end up producing some mutant strain that kicks ass simply by being a noob hahaha, or it'll just die.
chemical burn can happen many different ways some tap waters have chlorine chloride and who knows what else if your using tap water you should let it sit or better yet bubble it with a fish pump,let it sit between 24 hours and 48 hours this will allow most chemicals in your water to evaporate and the bubbler will add more o2 to your water which will allow the roots to feed better! over nuteing your pants will do it to. whether it's super soil or added to the water using way more than needed will cause the tips of your leaves to burn and cause nute lock out! we were all newbs once never let it discourage you ever! happy growing
What's up RIU? Resurrecting my old thread just to give an update especially to all those that helped me out. It's also I think a good example of how hardy these plants are and even though you think you fuckem all up they can bounce back. This is the same plant I had difficulty with as a seedling in my first post. I followed all the advice above and she looks pretty good now. Albeit I'm still big time noob and she ain't the prettiest but she is coming along. Thanks again for all the help and for the noobs like me who overwater, burn shit, drop lamps on plants (yup done that too) don't be discouraged!


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