Seedlings Drooping


Active Member
So I just began an experiment in the growth of some seeds. I went out and purchased a lil commercial hydroponic set up at TJMAX. The system pumps water up to a sprayer adjacent to the growth foam. My seeds start sprotting just fine, my problem occurs about 5 days into having sprouting seedlings. I get them to grow about 2.5 inches, usually sprouting three sets of leaves, but then over night (no joke, overnight) my seedlings start drooping over and die. The plants are still green and the leaves show no signs of burn or underwatering. Currently I am running a nutrient mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of Miracle grow with one gallon of distilled water. I have a timer set for 1 hour of watering per three hours of rest. I also have placed a sun light lamp over them (not too close) for 16 hour of daylight. Any suggestions??
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Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like your over watering. And what kind light are you using CFL, HPS? Ventilation? Fans What kind of soil?

Got any pics? Pics will attract people and we can see exatly what is wrong.
