Seedlings grew underground


My seed was taking a very long time so I just dug into the soil and found out that it was growing underground and was growing about 2 inches under the soil but the seedling was still white and a baby. I'm guessing I was growing it backwards so I put it at the top of the soil and soil under. What should I do now?


No idea.. I just dug down like 2 or 3 inches and there it was.. So I just put it on top and put it under light and it started facing up but I put it on schedule w/ my other plants (18/6) so it only got 4 hours of light lastnight. I think I saved my baby, another day or 2 it would've been dead. What should I do today?


Yeah I usually do I just buried this one too deep and it didn't make it out of the soil but it grew under it.. What should I do put it under light?