Seedlings having problem?


These plants are 1 1/2 weeks old. My set up is 3 100w cfl with normal poting soil, perlite and 1/4tsp of bat guano and ph is 5.5-6.5. I have 5 plants and three are getting these light green spots that start turning yellow the get darker and darker yellowish red almost burnt red. Also noticed that the stem has a slight purple to it and also the main vain. But only the first two single bladed leafs are like this and are slanted like if they want to flip. I have nutes like cal mag in hand and a 10-10-10 npk with iron etc. also recently I've seen some bugs but i don't know if it's nute lock up or the bugs,and I've been watering every 3days which is how long it takes to dry some info guys



Well-Known Member
yeah man, they look a bit over-watered to me, not severe yet but try and learn what the heft of your pots feels like when they are dry and when they've just been watered.

...and at 1 1/2 weeks you shouldn't need to feed any nutes for another week.

keep in mind also that this plant is a weed and therefore able to take more abuse than you think, just don't smother it with your love and attention.



Well-Known Member
I would for sure consider a repot in to a bigger pot, with fresh soil and good drain holes, and maybe start to feed em a bit of Ca/Mg


Well-Known Member
What is your grow medium? It looks like bark and perlite. Just repot in one gallon containers(I recommend smart pots) with a high quality potting mix, Fox Farms or Roots Organics are both a good choice. If they are not available any nursery will have a good peat mix like Fafard or Promix. Your problem is your medium.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
5.5-6.5 well 6.5 is good but 5.5 way to low. i agree with the other i think your soil is making problems for you. if you cannot report due to space i would add dome garden lime on the top of the soil and water it in WHEN THE PLANT NEEDS IT.


Well-Known Member
5.5-6.5 well 6.5 is good but 5.5 way to low. i agree with the other i think your soil is making problems for you. if you cannot report due to space i would add dome garden lime on the top of the soil and water it in WHEN THE PLANT NEEDS IT.
Hey bro when I water my girl's at 6.5 rris at 5.9when I watered at 7.0 runoff is 6.5 so is in going water to high