Seedlings leaves cut by kitty !!!


My cat got into my tent and slashed my seedling she was barely starting her 3 finger leaves the round leaves and 1 finger leaves were cut off so those were the only ones I left the stem in the tent and soil just to see if any miracle happens and I got the top that my kitty slashed and dipped it in rooting gel placed it in a rapid rooter then in a small pot with soil to keep it snug unfortunately I don’t have a humidity dome so I just used a water bottle is there any chance either one can survive ?
Wild ass cats knowing how to unzip grow tents BooooYaaaa
no worries, when this shit gets really important to'll secure your grow space like it was fort knox.
your seedling is dead now, its copy needs a miracle to root. miracles happen
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I myself have never had a cutting survive in soil without a dome :(. And never after hhaving all its leaves ripped off but hey, as chem says miracles do happen, good luck!
If the growing tip of the plant is intact, it may well. If it has any leaf left, it will.

Cat's, keep out of grow area's. Especially if they go outside...
Ah well that sucks that was my last seed looks like I’m going to have to order some more well thank you all appreciate the help.
Duuuude id a load of seedlings on the window sill n the whore cat comes along killing all of one strain n id to germ more of the others fucking devastating
You have a bad pussy. You need to tame your pussy. But don't mean to your pussy, everyone should love their pussy.