Seedlings Look Terrible

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Hi all! I am a total rookie..... I got a little input from Ganja Smoker - which is most appreciated. But, I am wondering if anyone can diagnose what I am doing wrong so I don't do it again (more beans arriving today - I don't want to blow it)

These LUI are 3 weeks old planted in Fox Farms. They are under a narrow spectrum 4 bulb floro (maybe the issue - "narrow spectrum") The Ph tested at 8.0 last night (should I get ph down - should I be at 6.5-7.0?) Perhaps overwatered? They look like they have "ram's horn"

At first when germinated they were growing so fast you could see it hourly. Now they have hardly grown and the leaves are turning brown -starting at the tips. Please help! What is wrong????? :confused:


Just some idiot
fix the Ph for starters. What kind of water are you giving them? And are you feeding them, cause if you are stop.


Well-Known Member
water only 1ns every 3 to 4 days or until the dirt is dry or close to dry,,, PH is definately a prob,, you seem to know what it should be,,, just try to get it down before you lose them......:peace:.......

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Hey! Thanks for the fast input!!! I will change the bulbs when I get home. I fed them one a week ago upon the advise (bad advise) of someone at FF regarding their d=feeding schedule. I have not done it since. I started out using bottled water. Then I used my home water (from a well - I am a mountain I figured it might have high minerals, etc. so I have gone back to bottled water. I will swing by the hydro shop on my way home and get some Ph down. Thanks you guys are the best


Active Member
There is a bunch of nutes in fox farm ocean forest if that is the soil your using. ( Have heard of seedling being burnt from that stuff) Slight flush next watering and lowering ph will help. Hang in there.


Well-Known Member
I always keep my soil fairly wet for the first 2 weeks before i make them search for it.
I would say that your trying to make them run before they can walk and they are to dry:blsmoke: