Seedlings sunk too deep in medium


Well-Known Member
Hey there all... :bigjoint:

I've just started my first grow and ran into a little issue this evening.... I planted 6 germinated seeds (tap-root down) into small peat-moss cups in my soil-less mix of Promix HP & Perlite (70/30) last evening and today 3/6 broke surface. I was really curious (and a bit worried) about why the other 3 weren't showing, so I poked around a bit in the surface of the soil with a toothpick and discovered that the 3 which didn't come up yet had sunk down about 1.5 inches. I think the first watering after planting them dragged them down (I may have a bit too much perlite in there since the Promix already has alot in it). :oops:

So.... I very, very carefully dug them out of the pots and reprepared the pots with soil again and made sure to replant them properly. The seeds I dug out looked really good still and healthy, so I'm not really too worried I guess...

Any thoughts on this and if I may have caused them too much stress at this very early stage?? Early as in I just planted them about 24 hrs ago before digging and replanting them.... comments?


Well-Known Member
Good to know Stoner408 - thanks for the reply! Since it's my first time I'm just being a bit too paranoid I'm sure... The seeds weren't cheap though - that's why I want to make sure everything is perfect and to start them off right.

Planted 6 seeds for my first grow: 3x Bubblicious (Nirvana), 2x Dreamtime (Mr.Nice), 1x Blue Cheese (Barney's Farm)


Well-Known Member
Lol... yeah I hear ya. That's what happens when you spend too much time on here reading up on all the different methods and problems and such - makes me worry too much. It's a good thing I don't have any kids - they'd likely hate me for being so Good to know you're watching out for me though fdd. Cheerz!