Seedlings under qb rspec

I was just after some advice on starting seedlings under qbs.
I have a qb288 240w rspec and it my first grow indoors. I also have the free android lux meter to determine height and power.
So I germinated the seeds and put them in Stock seedlings trays, I read on royal seeds that I should be aiming for 4000-7000 lux for seedlings, so I dimmed the light right down and lowered it to 6-8 inch above seedlings.
But my seedlings stretched pretty bad. Falling over/crooked.
Over the following week or so I have sprouted 2-3 seeds a day and also raised the lux about 5k a day.

Fast forward to now I have 24 seedlings all all 2 inches or taller at the first leaves, long and wonky.
My light is at 6 inches and 40000 lux.

I'm lost, I don't know anything and smoke too much haha

Could someone please dumb it down for me. With the height of the light, the lux, when to increase power ect.




Well-Known Member
The RSpec is a 3500K "warm white" light that is very rich in the red spectrum and much leaner in the blue spectrum. That is an awesome fixture for flowering as this is when the plants want a shitload of the red with a smattering of blue.

However, it's the opposite during VEG. You need the light to give the plants a shitload of blue with a smattering of red which will grow tighter nodes and reduce stretching.

Is that possible to VEG with lights that are higher in blue?


Well-Known Member
Nothing beats hps and mh lights.

If 600 or even a real light like 1000 mh is too much for a newbie like python get a 400 watt metal halide.
Stick to what's proven and tried.

Otherwise younger results like you gotten. Sub par.

A idiot is born every minute
Only people that wanna cheap out and go the easy way in life and in general get leds.

Same with auto flower seeds.
Like how hard is it to get up 1 timer?
Complete and utter morons.

Not everyone can grow either