

Well-Known Member
check out my 4 day old babies, most of them are very green and healthy, but their are a few that are showing some yellow and have leaves that look a bit funny, some slight twisting..have a look and tell me what this could be? everything in the room is spot on, 75 degrees with 50% humidity...thanks for any help dudes!


Well-Known Member
no nutes in that soil right?
seedlings need a decent amount of P during this stage-first signs of p deficiency are leave tips doing 'the twist'. there should be enough reserves in the cotyledons to supply the plant with what it needs so I would check acidity of your soil. cant really add any nutes at this point b/c they will get burned. what works for me when I have this issue is some wood ash added to the top layer of soil-maybe half cup at most. watch out though, b/c it will drop your ph of your runoff.

if u got nutes in the soil, than that is a diff story but I would guess not.


Well-Known Member
hey dudes, thanks for the quick replies...i'm using fox farm ocean forest soil, but they started in soil rapid rooter plugs, and are a bit older than i stated before, round 6 days...the tap water round here is great cause i've used it for my last couple grows with no problems, even with seedlings...yesterday with their water i gave them like less than a 1/4 of recommended dosage of fox farm grow big, i've done this before with great success and i'm following this guy's lead, is my first 12/12 from seed grow, it's pretty much an experiment to see if i can get it to work my small space...