

Well-Known Member
hey all i was wondering if anyone knew. when you expose your seedlings to 24hour light. When you see sprouts are you suppose to discontinue the 24hours and go to 18hours? I was going to let the 24 hour cycle go a few days before putting them into 18. Can that hurt my seedlings?


Well-Known Member
Not at all. the more light the better. Although they are pretty fragile at this early age. You always hear people say" get that light closer" well when there babies i think its better to have the light just a little bit further away than you normally would. I am only talking about seedlings that are less than a week old. Once they get to be about 2 weeks old and the leaves have gotten a little bigger, thats when you get it closer to the light.

For seedlings, you always want to give 24 hours of light. If you can give them 24 hours of light thru the whole veg, that would be really good too. I always give mine 20/4 just to let my bulb cool off for those four hours, otherwise i would give them 24/7 light.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
No. There's no reason why you have to have a dark period. We and many other growers always use 24/0 for vegging plants, except for rooting clones. Roots grow fastest at night, so rooting clones and any other plants that you want to grow more roots should all have a dark period. 24hrs of light helps keep root growth down and provides more energy to the plants.


Well-Known Member
I second all that previous info...I do ALL my seedlings 24/0 at 78-82f under T5HO.......they don't see anything less until put in flower....
That being said, you can do seeds 12/12 throughout their life...but most indoor growers want faster growth during veg............