SEEDS and shipping?


... I assume in most parts of the world ... importing seeds is not allowed by the local authorities ... :finger: ... atleast it is where I live :wall:

Interested to hear from people who have 'run the gauntlet' and grey imported from overseas banks

do they get through? did they get seized by border security? etc, etc ....


New Member
Order 8 times from 5 different seed banks ( current favorites Attitude and Sannie Seeds) and never had a problem to the Midwest. Many have stealth options but it doesn't seem to matter.


Active Member
I've ordered over sees twice with attitude seeds. I didn't have a problem with it either time. I've heard of people havin packages opened, so i would go with a stealth package. And never ship seeds to your grow house, its just a bad idea. Good luck if you try.


Well-Known Member
i order 1/1 worldwideseed
1/1 drchronic
2/2 seedbay
1/1 attitudeseeds

im addicted to seeds bongsmilie

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
Greendreamz, you're gonna fucking love Strawberry Cough. I just harvested 3 ounces off of one plant that I vegged for around three months. It was around 4 feet tall. It's such a wonderful social high. You won't be dissapointed.