seeds arent sprouting


Active Member
ive tried putting my seeds in a damp paper towel for a few days and the seeds didnt sprout. ive also tried just plating the seeds and putting flourecents on them and nothing has happened. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
im new but if you check out my thread im just starting a grow i done it by getting a grip seal bag you know the bags a 1/8th of weed comes in if its had weed in clean it first and half fill it with tap water thats been left to stand for 24hrs or spring water but let that stand as well put your seeds in the bag and put the bag in a cigarette pack on the radiator thats on a low heat they should sink with in a day or two and open up thats what mine did but still two of mine havent sprouted and they had opened already


i just plant mine 1 cm down in the soil, water, and keep misting the tops a few times a day until it pops the soil...

works like a charm everytime... you have to make sure that the soil stays moist... covering the pot in seran wrap would make a little humidity dome sorta thing to help keep the moisture in...


Well-Known Member
you don't have to but i do, people say if they don't sprout then put em in the dark for a bit but they is no one way there r lots of different ways

jay cas

Well-Known Member
no!!! seeds like dark, warm, and humid. try soaking the seeds in a glass of water for 24 hours in a warm dark place or untill they sink. when they sink they are ready.(if they dont sink there are better odds they wont grow, but doesnt always mean they wont work) burry the seeds about a thumb nail in depth with the nub of the seed facing up. lightly water the soil and return it to a warm dark place. be patent though... my seeds have always sprouted within 2 days but iv heard of some strans that take a week or more to hatch. also, after they sprout dont start nuting them for another 2 weeks


if the seeds you used were shitty bag seeds that were pale green or had a white tinge to them they will have a slim chance of germinating. if you bought them off of reputable seed site than your probably doing something wrong. its not hard to germinate seed. mine took exactly three days. just keep them in that paper towel and keep em moist. be patient they will sprout.