Seeds have sprouted HELP PLZ


I germed my seeds 2 days ago and now they have sprouted and the shoot is quite long, i was supposed to put them in soil tonight but like a dickhead i got the wrong soil ,will they be ok till tomorrow and is there any tips to keep them ok, any replies would be appreciated thanks

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Have you tried the greenhouse method of germination?

Put seed in cup of water for 24hrs, then plant the seed in soil, soil should be damp, and cover with plastic. Once the seedling sprouts you can remove the plastic.

I used this method the second time I germinated and got an 95% germ rate vs the paper towel method(60%). Just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried the greenhouse method of germination?

Put seed in cup of water for 24hrs, then plant the seed in soil, soil should be damp, and cover with plastic. Once the seedling sprouts you can remove the plastic.

I used this method the second time I germinated and got an 95% germ rate vs the paper towel method(60%). Just a suggestion.
Im trying this next myself because even after 2 of my seeds showed taproots they didnt sprout at all and had to be trashed.


Well-Known Member
Germinating and sprouting seeds outside of soil or rockwool - que pendejo. Totally unneeded. And stick them in "hot" soil for a day. Seedlings don't take up feed anyway.