Seeds in Colorado

If someone wanted to get some seeds while in Colorado is there a way to do so safely? If so how and where. Would this be safer than getting them on line?


Well-Known Member
not yet, it will be another year or better before stores are set up that the general public can buy from.right now who knows what's going to happen. on the other hand if you have a colorado mmj card seeds are plentiful. I refuse to buy online just for the fact that I'd be putting out a couple hundred dollars on a gamble I was going to get some seeds. its really great being able to walk in a dispensary and pick out the gear you want.


Well-Known Member
it is a really great thing, plus there's actually some Co mmj exclusive strains running around. seed production may possibly be where it's at out here. it's def not gonna be in finished product since that's a dime a dozen.


Active Member
Is there any way for a out of state resident to aquire some of those strains? I would rather drive to colorado than order online anyhow, i could use a vacation.


Well-Known Member
not the co mmj exclusive ones but you can get some from tsd I believe is the online outlet , I'm talking a specific company which is 303seedsdotcom


Well-Known Member
you just can't buy anything here yet unless you have a red card, mmj card. even residents can't buy or sell anything under amendment 64 yet, not for another year at least.
and then as I said, nobody really knows hows it's gonna go from there.


Well-Known Member
I own most of their gear and am just now getting around to flipping a aspen og and g6 jet fuel, both feminized, the majority of the stuff they peddle is regs.


Active Member
Oh, ive only ordered from high grade seeds and the phenoes are all over the place. I just want some for a personal stash any good recomendations on strain and bank. I like to use soil and start from seed as I dont want to dedicate space to cloning and such. I prefer to grow a scrog and can put however much light I need to in a 5x5 space. I have severe back spasms (sports injury) and i'm just tired of taking pain scripts. Thank you so much for the help.


Well-Known Member
no problem man, I've just gotten into seed myself since rooted clones are even more available than seed out here, good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Fuck seeds. If you live in Colorado, take clones from strains you like. Having to hope for, and find, a good pheno in a small group of beans can be a big waste of time. With cuttings, there's no guessing on how good the final product will be. Just my $.02


New Member
Alright, so here it is nearing the end of 2013, i have been following the amend 64 updates and we should start seeing applications early next year. i grow recreationally and previosly bought seeds from online with successful grows. that was my first grow however and had not attempted to clone. seeds are gone now so i purchased more but the gov intercepted them (130 down the drain :( ) my question is where can a recreational grower find clones until stores open up?

first time poster :)
