Seeds in female bud


Well-Known Member
Hi, I’m posting on behalf of a friend who has recently cropped his girls,

he noticed one of the buds had a handful of seeds in, there were no male plants present in his tent.

he also pointed out that her caught a stem earlier bent it to the point of the cem splitting but still holding, he replied the bend and the bud was the one that grew from the broken bend

I put my money on something to do with transfer of hormones or food across the broken bit

but have come to ask if anyone knows or has seen this before

Hermaphrodite . All those little yellow banana looking things are male pollen sacks on a female plant .

Either genetics or stress . Likely stress if he's grown clones from the same mother successfully before .

Sorry to ask but last question and just out of curiosity but do U know what types of stress cause this ? He’s family on point with his set up
Too much heat , light leaks during flowering , along with others . I don't doubt others will add reasons . Hard to pinpoint without details from the grower .

Doubtful it was the broken stem though . That's a common method of training plant height .
Too much heat , light leaks during flowering , along with others . I don't doubt others will add reasons . Hard to pinpoint without details from the grower .

Doubtful it was the broken stem though . That's a common method of training plant height .

I’ve tried to get him join the forum but he’s to paranoid to take photos of his things let alone post them on the net.

but thank u all for the replies
Looks rough - seeds were not mature anyways , so it really doesn’t matter . Nanners / immature flowers / stressed most likely too.
Flower were not mature either - tons of full size pistils both white / green.
They look sketch and looks like some bad storage too ? Pic shows some suspect white crusty shit in flower - mold too ?

Toss all of it.