WAIT!!!! say their is jack heror that hermed out and green crack was pollinated would the seed have the traits of both MOMS? i got a bunch from a friend and im courious intresting post.
AWWWWWW that was like a refreshing drink of cold crisp R.O. water i felt i was travel ing in the land of the twilight zone... THANK YOU MAN YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i jump out of my chair and did the gitar thing and shot out my to arms in the air and jumped i scared the dog!!!! and then did the hawwaii finger and thumb.. Yaaaaaaa brauuuuw!!!!!!!! yeeeepiiee kie ayyyyyy THANK YOU MAN realy thankxYep... Hermies produce female pollen, and if the greencrack wuz female, then BAM! u got all female genetics of both strainz... Ya'll need a stamp? lol!
Yes you most likely had a hermie. Sometimes they can be hard to spot, but it doesn't need a lot to seed everything. The seeds will produce all females but might be prone to throwing more balls and seeding subsequent crops. If you continue to grow these seeds you would basically be selecting for hermaphroditism and would continue to see more of them in the seeds. Unless the plant(s) were really good I wouldn't recommend growing them unless you don't have anything else to grow.
AWWWWWW that was like a refreshing drink of cold crisp R.O. water i felt i was travel ing in the land of the twilight zone... THANK YOU MAN YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i jump out of my chair and did the gitar thing and shot out my to arms in the air and jumped i scared the dog!!!! and then did the hawwaii finger and thumb.. Yaaaaaaa brauuuuw!!!!!!!! yeeeepiiee kie ayyyyyy THANK YOU MAN realy thankx