Seeds not breaking soil


I planted seeds that had cracked with small tap root a week ago and still not broke the soil, I keep soil damp but not wet it’s in a humidity dome. Should I wait longer or dig one out and see what’s happening?


I have them with heat mat in a humidity done temp is in the mid 70’s and humidity around the same.I’m in Arizona so it’s indoor,I have them in 70/30 coco perlite. And it’s not compacted I ph water to around 6

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
During summer I don’t use a heat mat anymore, I think sometimes it gets too warm. When I do I have it on a timer, 5 minutes on, 5 off. The colder it gets the longer the heat mat on time, but I never just leave it on full time anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.
I’m reading above some interesting variations of germinating a seed. Personally, I’ve just recently tried a new way that has not been mentioned above, and it works.

I soak the seed in well water (no additives) for roughly 4 hours, the water is naturally 6.0 ph.
I then transfer the seed to a presoaked jiffy pod. The pod was placed in a 3” biodegradable pot with potting soil.
The pod is presoaked with a light mixture of Recharge. Recharge helps to promote root growth.
The seed is them placed under a veg lamp and between 3 to 5 days I had five of five seeds pop.

Great thread and have enjoyed your comments.



Well-Known Member
Step 1. Put seeds in moistened medium
Step 2. Wait.

That's it. Easy peasy
Personally, I like to moisten the medium with an Epsom salt mix (1tsp per gal) and put a pinch of ewc over top (just a pinch) but it's not necessary. Just aids germination a bit.
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Well-Known Member
@Jjgrow420 , nice setup. As soon as I saw that dome, I remembered that my x-boyfriend had one stashed away in the barn. Think I'll do a little digging around.
Thanks for the picture.